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  1. M

    Hole in bud stem

    I dont have money for bt so whats the best action I should take to this In what way is it affecting my plant just checked plant againand there's about 3 to 4 more holes
  2. M

    Hole in bud stem

    Can anybody answer?
  3. M

    Hole in bud stem

    So should I cut bud off?
  4. M

    Hole in bud stem

    So I was checking my plant when I noticed a hole perfect hole I can seee inside stem My questin is will the nugs that is growing around start dying? Should I cut it off now bug eating inside stem? Plz help this is really strsseing me out
  5. M

    Simple question?

    DRHey every one i would like to read some opinions on weed that has been grown to 90-100% amber trichomes and compare it to 10%amber trichs to none.has anyone let there weed go this far?
  6. M

    Quick question

    Yeah growth did seem slow
  7. M

    Quick question

    Did this affect yield? About a month before flower i was bending stem and it split open not all the way though its now been a month later and 2 weeks in flower
  8. M

    Should I cut?

    Are you sure cause ive been told it can just be because of strain and low temp
  9. M

    Should I cut?

    My stalk is purple and so are the stems
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    Should I cut?

    My plant is 2weeks flowering.I was wondering if I should cut off all small growth spots along stems clean off with a razor blade they havent been showing any sign of growing like others. Is it bad to cut them,would if affect yield if cut?also would they ever grow out?
  11. M

    Is their anything wrong with my plant?

    i dnt know what strain just random seed but its sative for sure
  12. M

    Is their anything wrong with my plant?

    the stems on my plant are purple,is this bad? Also the tips and sides on some of the leaves are turning light purple.plants in 1 week flower And also the stems been purple for like 2 months
  13. M

    Is this Normal?

    C'mon i need to know if this bad for flowering growth and yield
  14. M

    Is this Normal?

    Can anybody answer this
  15. M

    Is this Normal?

    my stems on my plant are purple,it been like this for 2monts or less the plant is 4months old and also th tips of some leaves are cupping up and have a garyish purple look