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  1. E

    Post chop smell

    any help yall i don't want this bud to go to waste
  2. E

    Post chop smell

    Hey all had some bag seed that i grew in my closet and flowered for 7 weeks, i gave it the chop 5 days ago and have had it in a dark closet for the time with a fan on it, some of it smells like herb but some of it is losing that wonderful smell... Help what may i be doing wrong...
  3. E

    how do you think its going

    well maybe move or axe the hermie
  4. E

    Leaves & Hash

    Thank You all your help is very appreciated i will see what i can do
  5. E

    Female Plant in Flower

    any ideas on a bigger pot
  6. E

    Female Plant in Flower

    Hello all, I have a female plant about 12 days into 12/12 light cycle, a few pistils are showing, The plant is in a 4" pot would it be a good idea to transplant, will this increase yield or be better for the plant in the long run? Also if Transplant is recommended will this most likely stunt...
  7. E

    Leaves & Hash

    aight thanks fellow stoners i appreciate the info
  8. E

    Leaves & Hash

    any ideas?
  9. E

    Male/Female Need a helpful eye

    Thanks alot i will get some new ones up tomorow. enjoy
  10. E

    Male/Female Need a helpful eye

    Turned out to be two males and one female, if anyone want to see pics throughout flowering let me know... The excitement begins...
  11. E

    Leaves & Hash

    I have been growing three plants for the past month and a half, I am about 12 days into a 12/12 flower cycle and determined 2/3 were males so i gave them the axe. Can i use these leaves once dried out to make hash out of or are they to young? Thanks
  12. E

    Male/Female Need a helpful eye

    Well thanks to all i will keep updated and add some photos in a few, keep your fingers crossed for una chica
  13. E

    Male/Female Need a helpful eye

    no have two others, i am gonna try to get better pics tomorow they are on the night portion of the cycle and i do not want to disrupt the light i have three plants all together the one in the photo is one of two fairly tall plants(2feet) and there is another tall plant and one small plant.
  14. E

    Male/Female Need a helpful eye

    I am about 11 days into 12/12 light schedule can anyone tell me if this looks male or female.