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  1. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    cheers man! damn right! wld love to do this big time in 50 years when im retired n dont have a job lol
  2. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    here we go folks! got quite a lot off it considering its only one plant n a first timer! #
  3. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    ps u dont get any sort of come down either, its a quite long lasting high too, pretty much everything ive read about strawberry coughs effects, i have no other strains to compare tho! (never know what you get here normally lol)
  4. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    heh happy times, cut a few branches down a few days ago n a couple everyday as they get ripe, smoked for a couple of days n damn its good!! awesome head high, it sort of creeps on you. i smoked a waterbucket, didnt feel high n 10 mins later im staring at the wall. and alice in wonderland has...
  5. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    cheers! ill cut a branch down the now n do some more the morrow XD will leave the main bud a few more days as its maturing slower
  6. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    yeah, theyve started already from what ive seen, mostly cloudy with some amber from what i saw
  7. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    what a difference than a week ago!!! almost ready i think
  8. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    only a matter for days left now! most of the leaves are yellow and theres some amber trichromes ( i think...) gonna wait until the buds have stopped expanding then cut i think!
  9. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    mmm will do! ah its a pretty good pot (doesnt say the volume but is about 17litres as its roughly 26cm by 26cm by 26cm)
  10. Boagus


    ah okay cheers!
  11. Boagus


    nice one misschestermoffit! ive got a wee question, does drying the bud increase potency? i know that it at least allows a smoother burn so less is wasted but potency? hmm *ponders*
  12. Boagus


    half of the tiny nug i put in a joint well mixed with tobacco so it would burn evenly (despite me not drying this part it had its effect and a nice taste!) this one hit me right away then i put the other bit in the oven for a wee while which dried nicely. not the best of methods but it wasnt...
  13. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    cheers for the reply! haha nice description with the woolly bobbles that made my day, nicee just checked up the paradise rox, similiar description to the strawberry cough effects but probably better suited for a closet if its mostly indica! mm i know what you mean about the trippy effect i...
  14. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    le bump =]
  15. Boagus

    Head high

    hope you harvest well!
  16. Boagus

    Head high

    haha amazing man! i know exactly what you mean just done a similiar thing last week!
  17. Boagus


    haha definetly, we shall all smoke to that! or i will in a week or so! nice grow u had btw!
  18. Boagus


    ahaa sorry just some scottish dialect induced with a bit of mary jane, my mate had some compressed pollen which was pretty damn strong to smoke that night lol. think it had a horseshoe stamped on it he said? aah cant remember!
  19. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    pretty spazzed up looking eh?
  20. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    oh and one more thing, the main cola doesnt relli seem like the main colas in most peoples pictures! ill get a pic up soon of it (new growth still going on in it...i shld of never burnt the very top part!)