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  1. Zhuleni

    Ready To Harvest? Trichome Close UP PICS:

    awesome. thanks for the advice. I was figuring they'd have at least another week in em. Guess my christmas presents will be a little bit late :) Unfortunately, im not stateside (so no radio shack or wal mart) and the microscopes stocked by all the local grow shops are way overpriced (around 60...
  2. Zhuleni

    Ready To Harvest? Trichome Close UP PICS:

    1st time grow. 2 (what i was told, however am now doubting) super skunk clones. 9 weeks into flowering under a 250 hps. BioBizz nutes in a soil mix. My question is simple. Do you think they are ready to harvest? I don't have a microscope but I can get pretty detailed images using the macro...
  3. Zhuleni

    Leaves Turning Yellow From Bottom Up--Flowering-HELP PLEASE!- PICS

    here's a full pic of her. it actually comes out greener in the picture than it is in real life. but it is true that some of my tips have browned a bit.
  4. Zhuleni

    Leaves Turning Yellow From Bottom Up--Flowering-HELP PLEASE!- PICS

    once again thanks for the fast replies! I still haven't flushed them yet, but am now a bit confused. Do others agree with frmrboi that they're burnt and need to be flushed? Gorlax, ripz, and king all have some nice grows. Like i said this is my first time grow and am open to all opinions, just...
  5. Zhuleni

    Leaves Turning Yellow From Bottom Up--Flowering-HELP PLEASE!- PICS

    Thanks for the quick responses. I think I'm going to flush them today though since I haven't flushed them at all yet. I was told the nutes im using could be used during every watering (biogrow, biobloom, and topmax ...all biobizz products ) Now, Im thinking that can't be true and that they just...
  6. Zhuleni

    Leaves Turning Yellow From Bottom Up--Flowering-HELP PLEASE!- PICS

    Hi All. I'm one month into flowering super skunk in a soil mix i made. using a 250 hps, 340cfm inline fan for ventilation, temps at 78 degrees, and water phed between 6.5 and 6.8. I'm using biobizz nutes (bio grow, bio bloom, and top max) . first time grow. So. yesterday...
  7. Zhuleni

    1st GROW/1 month old/HELP!!

    could be a magnesium deficiency. looks similar to what happened to these.
  8. Zhuleni

    have to quit! tingling in arms legs etc

    check out this list of symptoms and see if they ring true with what you're experiencing. Anxiety & Panic Attacks Symptoms Smothering sensations and Shortness of breath Racing heart, slow heart beat, palpitations Chest Pain Lump in throat & Difficulty swallowing Skin losing colour...
  9. Zhuleni

    have to quit! tingling in arms legs etc

    a few things to consider. when muscles which have been under tension for a long time finally relax there is generally pain and a pins and needles feeling. Ask any massage therapist about this and they will say the same. Now, I do believe that anxious people can have negative reactions to...
  10. Zhuleni

    Obama wins!!!!

    Obama on medical marijuana "I would not punish any doctors if they prescribed marijuana appropriately" "I won't use federal justice department resources on these state issues, ...we've got a lot of better things for law enforcement to deal with"...
  11. Zhuleni

    Leaves Turning Brown - Drying Up- HELP PLEASE - PICS

    just an update in case someone else encounters this same problem. It was a magnesium deficiency after all. I got a bio magnesium additive (im growing in soil) and put it in with my next watering. I also misted the leaves which were turning yellow, brown, and dry. Within two days the girls were...
  12. Zhuleni

    Leaves Turning Brown - Drying Up- HELP PLEASE - PICS

    anybody? this can't be that strange of a problem
  13. Zhuleni

    Leaves Turning Brown - Drying Up- HELP PLEASE - PICS

    Ok. Just updating. I went and got some magnesium mix to add to my last watering and now more leaves are turning yellow, drying up, and dying. I added less than the recommended amount just so as not to shock them. They aren't getting better. Anyone else have any ideas what is going on here? I'm...
  14. Zhuleni

    Leaves Turning Brown - Drying Up- HELP PLEASE - PICS

    ok. should i be cutting the leaves off that are turning brown or just leave them till they die? once again thanks for your quick responses.
  15. Zhuleni

    Leaves Turning Brown - Drying Up- HELP PLEASE - PICS

    Thanks for the quick response. How much epson salts should you add with a watering? Here are some more pics of the girls next to each other, and another close up of a leaf.
  16. Zhuleni

    Leaves Turning Brown - Drying Up- HELP PLEASE - PICS

    I've had these two clones of super skunk under a 250 hps for 25 days now. Things have been going fine, and one plant has become a monster and is very healthy. The other one is problematic. For a while the leaves started turning slowly yellow, now they are getting brown spots and are ended up...
  17. Zhuleni

    Should I Prune Back My Plant? PICS

    cool. thanks. should i not even clean up the leaves towards the base ?
  18. Zhuleni

    Should I Prune Back My Plant? PICS

    I've got two super skunk under a a 250 w hps . They're clones. 19 Days old now. Using bio bizz nutes, and growing in soil. Anyway. I was wondering what would be the best way to start pruning back my plants? I've heard about "topping" as well. Does anyone have any experience with this? If so, is...
  19. Zhuleni

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    so. just updating. I found the problem, and it is somewhat obvious. While I had really good airflow, I didn't have good air circulation above the plants (I was moving tons of air but not from and to the right places). This created some hot spots. Leaves in this area simply got too hot without...
  20. Zhuleni

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    admittedly I don't know much at all about ppm. I've been checking my PH, but that's it. What the best and cheapest way to check this? Also. Thanks a ton for all your help. I think my girls are going to weather the storm. They seem healthy. It's just this one thing that is really annoying me. I...