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  1. N

    Need pest control advice and much more !! plz !!

    heh XD. Neem oil is organic I believe. Also, the BT might be but BT is new to me. I've never heard of it until the other day. Ironically, I was looking up Mantids this morning out of random curiosity. Seems pretty promising as they pretty much each everything. This is definitely a useful tool in...
  2. N

    Need pest control advice and much more !! plz !!

    yeah I've been looking into this since last year and everyone's saying BT and Neem Oil are fantastic. Just gotta get out to a local store and purchase some. I've been strapped for cash as of lately unfortunately.
  3. N

    Need pest control advice and much more !! plz !!

    thanks for reply bro ! yeah those weebles were a nightmare man.I've never even heard of 'em until I researched into the symptoms I was having lol. Indeed this forum has great info and I plan on studying vigorously = D.
  4. N

    Need pest control advice and much more !! plz !!

    First off, I could use a lot of help for organic pest control solutions. Any and all tips for outdoor growing would be greatly appreciated. I have some knowledge but not nearly enough to say I'm even an amateur. With that being said, this is my second grow and last years was great minus the...
  5. N

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Anybody have any suggestions for pest control? I've heard a few ways of making your own organic deterrents. Liquid soap and water is one. I've also heard stuff about cinnamon and garlic being used as well(not sure how well this stuff works). Any ideas/suggestions ? I'm already being attacked by...
  6. N

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks for the reply bro ! Yeah It's doing great so far but that's how it was last year then boom outta no where it started giving me such a hard time. Great smoke in the end but I know my problems will come back as well as bugs. Barely saved my crop last year because of those dam bugs lol. oh...
  7. N

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey yall. Looks like ive found an active forum with lots of great info here. Happy to join you all and thanks to all the posters posting good beginner info ! I'm sure with in the next week or two I'll have some questions but for now it seems ok. Second attempt at a grow and so far so good. also...