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  1. T

    Who am I, Where am I, Why am I?

    You posess the most complex information proccesing device, your brain, which is capable of solving very complex problems and is developing continuously. It takes in information through various senses and outputs information trough creation of something, let it be art, music or other forms of...
  2. T

    whys pot illegal but anti depressants arent

    I´m not so sure about proffesional growers want marijuana to be legalized, at least here where i live the prohibition seems to work for their advantage as in any business - greater the risk, greater the reward. Also the whole nutrient industry would lose a lot, because their prices are hyped by...
  3. T

    i see weird shit in the language

    I would suggest you to read "Fooled by Randomness" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
  4. T

    whys pot illegal but anti depressants arent

    Been down that road and from the personal experience, i would rather go near the king cobra to it´s radius of deadly attack more pleasingly than i would ever consider touching antidepressants again. If they help some people it´s fine by me, use them and im happy for you if you find youre...
  5. T

    Question about Amphetamines Shelf Life.

    Hello. My first post on this forum and i would like to know if somebody could answer me and before anybody mentions that i should google it, i did and didn´t find an answer because my question is kind of weird. So, i live in a eastern Europe country in a big house, which was built before World...