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  1. thegreatindoors

    Big phat Spiddys DIEEEE!!!

    so i started flowering about 3 weeks ago with no mites (tht iknew of) no leaf dots,webs, nothing.. added a another light tht raised the temp of the room a lil and started seeing dots looked under saw them bastards so i rubbed my leafs by hand works but not enough now. my plants have flowers...
  2. thegreatindoors

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    Can i use any other peppers
  3. thegreatindoors

    Harvest Quesion

    looks good..How long has it been on 12/12
  4. thegreatindoors

    Harvest Quesion

    i only read what you said so sorry if im repeating but i think you should just flower till there ready you'll be alot more happy when your smoking it..But if you do chop it down early make sure you give em a good curing... -Best of Luck
  5. thegreatindoors

    Summer+Plants=me a sad person HELPP

    thanks everyone for the info i think this ones busted! next year ill make sure my pots or whatever i use have sum shade. i believe thts why they probably died cause a nfriend of mines growing in the same heat except his is in the ground and his plants a huge. and my pots where directly in the...
  6. thegreatindoors

    Guy slams his face into stop sign

    did he run into it on purpose
  7. thegreatindoors

    Summer+Plants=me a sad person HELPP

    yea There in clay pots.. Will putting them straight into the ground be better with no shade? my backyards pretty open only shade is the house at certain times of the day.THANKS 4 THE INFO
  8. thegreatindoors

    Summer+Plants=me a sad person HELPP

    My plants not growing anymore,its leaves are drying out and falling off, bouta be none left, iknow its gone but any ideals for next time it gets really hot where im at this time off the year are there any ideals or things i can buy to help my outdoor plants survive the heat??
  9. thegreatindoors

    Is 400w Cfl Enough! ((PICS))

    THanks Everyone for the info.. im gonna get better lights i was goin bye the wrong info i thought it was enough nut had doubts so i posted this and now iknw for sure i need better lights i think im gonna get a hps just to make things easy i dont want a bunch of cfls hanging everywhere constantly...
  10. thegreatindoors

    Is 400w Cfl Enough! ((PICS))

    nice buds!!!
  11. thegreatindoors

    Is 400w Cfl Enough! ((PICS))

    so what it equals for ex. 23w=100w does not matter its only as god as a 23w ima kinda confused. its pulling 23w and pushing out 100w so wouldnt you count what its putting out?
  12. thegreatindoors

    Is 400w Cfl Enough! ((PICS))

    New pics....
  13. thegreatindoors

    Is 400w Cfl Enough! ((PICS))

    yup your right on all that nd yes home depot
  14. thegreatindoors

    Is 400w Cfl Enough! ((PICS))

    four 100w, two in each hood 6700k daylights THANKS for all the feedback guys Just added a 300w soft white(yellow) 2700k and put in flowering ill post sum pics of tht set up
  15. thegreatindoors

    3 cfls with 825 lumens each enough for flowering?

    four 1oow cfl 9.99 @ homedepot works great till you can get the fetti to up your lights.. tryin grab extneders and y sockets few bucks extra bucks so you can use less sockets for more light
  16. thegreatindoors

    Is 400w Cfl Enough! ((PICS))

    lst is a good ideal.. ima try one next time
  17. thegreatindoors

    Is 400w Cfl Enough! ((PICS))

    i got 3 plants growing just put into flowering. My question is do you think thts enough light and can i raise my lights to maybe 5,6 inches above plant for better light for the whole plant..Now i keep my cfls about an 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches away but by havin so many tops i want them all to have...