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  1. CombatSkill

    5 weeks into 12/12 cycle and rapid leaf yewwowing occured and persists. Suggestions?

    So, 5 weeks into the cycle and the yellowing started showing, firstly with the older leafs and now it progressed towards the younger ones and the tops. im going organic , plagron batmix in 20 l container , which was recomended as enough nutes for 2 months of flowering. after the first month the...
  2. CombatSkill

    A second harvest on the same plant????

    cant you just cut the parts of the plant that you think are ready and leave the other buds to rippen better for a week or 2 n cut again? i am thinking to use this "method"..just guessing it should work.what yo think?
  3. CombatSkill

    Natural Soil Enhancers...

    milk mixed with water.. about 1/4th milk to 3/4 water. i also tried boiling eggshells and watering. also some say pee dissolved in water is good xD
  4. CombatSkill

    Problem!!! almost a month into flowering and still no buds or pistils

    so ....if the plant is not ready to be flowering but is "forced" into pre-flowering would it be ready in later on in time without any re-vegging of the plant??
  5. CombatSkill

    Flowering - no buds!!!

    :wall: i got 2 lemon skunk plants n a super lemon haze. they are flowerign but are not making buds. they got the flowering pistils....n thats all!!!! :cuss: (fukin plants) its liek they are stuck in pre-flowering. i changed the light times... they get 11 hours light- its been a week-same shit, m...
  6. CombatSkill

    About 1 month Flowering-No buds and Leafs yellowing

    hehe just yesterday i gave them (all my plants) new 8 litre pots.yeah they are out side all the time.....i live near equator also n is like summer almost all the time. gets veeery hot sometimes.. anw i still dont know why it is not budding-only this plant!
  7. CombatSkill

    Twisting fan leaves

    i got same problem wit hleafes twisting downwords but i didnt even give them any chams!
  8. CombatSkill

    About 1 month Flowering-No buds and Leafs yellowing

    doesnt need all darkness to start it flowering just gettign a shadow on it cuttign down the light works
  9. CombatSkill

    About 1 month Flowering-No buds and Leafs yellowing

    this is not the only plant i got n the others are swelling with buds. i doubt that moonshine troubles the plants much
  10. CombatSkill

    About 1 month Flowering-No buds and Leafs yellowing

    heer is a pic of the rootunder did not notice no bugs... just is alittle brown the roots under..m not sure if its a rot...n the only digns of bugs are those white-ish spots on 2-3 leafs
  11. CombatSkill

    About 1 month Flowering-No buds and Leafs yellowing

    unfortunetly man....i grow under sun light,daytime here temps go up to 38-39 C. thank you for addvice i will get back to you with my observatons. btw..i used 20-20-20 nut mild mixtures when it was younger i just sprayed it over the leaves. a week or 2 ago i made just abit weaker mixture than...
  12. CombatSkill

    You tell me what the problem is...

    i noitce this on my plants as well-not all leaves but some of the new leaves twist downwards....donno go no idea from what could it be... m growing under sum light
  13. CombatSkill

    About 1 month Flowering-No buds and Leafs yellowing

    ..could be. i stick my finger in the soil a couple of inches to feel the soil its not wet.. sometimes not even damp. as i said now i water only mornings. well here are some pics of this plant. thank you for your time
  14. CombatSkill

    About 1 month Flowering-No buds and Leafs yellowing

    wtf you fukin saying ?! i can tell a male fm female. tell me how can i post pics so you can have a look..since you dont really understant what i am saying..or is just comfusing for you... :lol:
  15. CombatSkill

    About 1 month Flowering-No buds and Leafs yellowing

    i am growing under the sun. cant be nut defficency...cant be overfertalizing.....m sure.. might be from the watering... durign day temps here go up to 38-39 C ...i was watering them nights afre i water all my plants mornigns n specially this plant respons better to it. btw i cant get...
  16. CombatSkill

    About 1 month Flowering-No buds and Leafs yellowing

    the plant is lemon skunk, has been flowering since may 10th-12th or smthing n it just got the hairs from the sacks but no buds! leafs were droopy, yellowing and falling off-watering it 2 times a day stopped it being droopy but soemtimes leaves just yellow n dry out. i see this as a problem...
  17. CombatSkill

    What does this?!

    thank you for the quick reply........i will get on it as soon as possible (hopefully tomorrow i can get insecticide)
  18. CombatSkill

    What does this?!

    :evil: this is the second grow that this happens.(the pic is from the first) seems like something is eating inside the leaf. (1st time that occurred on the crop as i remember i treated it with soap water...then jusi i ignored it :P ) got any idea what it is and any solution? thanks
  19. CombatSkill

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    ok ...its a newbie question but what to do, cant learn witout asking. is 20 (light) 4 (dark) good for little plants not more than 2 1/2 - 3 weeks old?
  20. CombatSkill

    Growing them on the veranda

    ..i am thingking to have my plants at the veranda since it is not covered and is facing south...and it would save me money for lights n etc. i think gets direct sinlight about 10 hrs a day summer time... will this be enough to support good yeld?