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  1. M

    High School Reunions

    Went to my 25 year reunion-had a great time laughing at all the outa shape jocks even got the chance to kick the living shit outa one that was a particular asshole to me way back when.Had an even better time telling a great number to fuck themselves since they suddenly thought I had forgotten...
  2. M

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Good advice since I know for a fact that there are at least 2 cops that are here regularly and are quite chatty-if I ever find out their screen mans I will pm a mod and let them deal with it.
  3. M

    Any hunters on here?

    I hunt with crossbow,a simple recurve design that sits at 175lbs-but I have a lazer sight and scope(35X9) at 35yds I dont miss.Knock down 3/4 black bears a year in my back yard-dont eat them-just pests.Fish from my kayak alot in the summer and fall.
  4. M

    How Much Exercise Do You Get Per Week?

    A great workout I thought?
  5. M

    Who are you?

    (Not to mention people taking pictures of their plants in front front of identifiable object in their house. Bad idea. Now people know what the inside of your house looks like too.)quote I dont post photos at all of my ficticious plants,or my yard or of my face.I have let a few details out...
  6. M

    Sativa vs. Indica / The War

    I lean towards Sativa-I like the clear headedness and can still get shit done.But I do enjoy a couch lock once in a while.
  7. M

    I don't believe in time travel, but I can't completely explain this photo.

    Hate to burst the bubble-but thats a college football jersey hes wearing and it looks like an M not a W to me-so I would say Minnasota?
  8. M

    Where have you traveled and what was it like?

    Through out central america-very scary at times.Spain,Holland,France and Italy-I hated Europe with a passion and firmly believe that the world would be better off without Italians.Greece-my fav of all,laid back-lotsa tourist trim but I wouldnt live there.
  9. M

    Single for life!

    I have given thought to relationships,many times over the years.I am lucky-been with the same woman now for close to 40 yrs.She stayed home and I wandered where ever my work took me-being gone for,at one time 5 years.I havent traveled now in about 6 or 7-(semi retired)I can say with all honesty...
  10. M

    Any where in the world

    Looks like my neighborhood.My dream is to move onto 25-50 acres of land as far away my relatives as I can get,as long as I can grow pot and food-Im happy.
  11. M

    canada bucks

    We all call it a "looney"-its got a loon on it.
  12. M

    What would make you content / happy right now?

    A little extra cash is always nice,but to be honest I am as happy as I could hope for....perhaps satisfied is a better word.
  13. M

    How many of you hold a passport?

    Next time your in the Thunderbay area-pm me and I will take you kayaking along the shores-no better place to toke.
  14. M

    The Best Evidence to Date of Life After Death. Afterlife Investigations Scole Experim

    I have been clinically dead twice in my life-there were no lights,vioces...there was nothing.There is no life after death-period.At least not in the way many believe.What people are experiancing is their brain dying and the last nuerons flickering out.As to mean to...
  15. M

    Life and Death

    Thanks,I am comfortable with what ever happens oddly enough.As Captan Hook once said-"Death.The next great adventure."We had a big storm go through here last night,lots of fresh snow.So the wife and I are going taboganing with some hot chocolate.Peace.
  16. M

    Life and Death

    My parents raised me on a combination of native(indian)and catholic beliefs.As I grew I studied various martial arts and the philosifies attatched to such-this past fall I was diagnosed with oral cancer and have had several very painfull treatments and am awaiting results Feb 13th.I have had to...
  17. M

    G13 Haze??

    Hey gang-I was just wondering if anyong has grown this strain from BCSeedKing.My seedlings are in there 19th day and about 21/2 to 3 inches tall.Seems very slow growth to me-or am I just really impatient.Thanks MM
  18. M

    Best things to do while you're high?

    When I was a teen and visiting the city with my buds we would look for a bus stop with a mailbox(pickup) close by.One of us would grab a sandwich in a paper bag and walk past the crowd waiting for the bus and pitch the thing into the box through the slot.Loudly saying into the slot-"Three more...
  19. M

    New light set up??

    Where I live-the laws are as follow-"Six plants means a mandatory prison term of no less than 3 years."So the OPP do look for small grows especially when you are in a very small town.Thanks for the advice everybody-lots of food for thought.
  20. M

    Who here is married?

    I have learned a very long time ago that it is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission.Works for me!:lol: