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  1. jssyjames

    PH high to thrive

    soil is sunshine 4....havent changed much over the years but food and genetics.... love the botaicare ..most consistant canopy color ive ever had...beautiful ...i just dont feel its thriving in the yeild department like it used to...hence high ph ...but if i let it drop..they fail quick ...took...
  2. jssyjames

    PH high to thrive

    soil is sunshine 4 ...nuts botanicare pro gro...i cant kep roots white...even
  3. jssyjames

    PH high to thrive

    im 46 years old..started when i was 20...had all that stuff lol...was super good at growing untill lately..something has changed ...dont get me plants are healthy as long as i stay above ph 7....just makes no sence as i always use 6.4 ph with super results in sunshine 4...i use the...
  4. jssyjames

    PH high to thrive

    Wondering why i need my ph slightly above 7 to keep plants alive inside in soil...wasnt that way in flood and drain buckets..kept at 5.8 ph.... for 2 years i couldnt keep a plant alive in soil longer than a month or so...and this is after doing it with years of success...then i figured out high...
  5. jssyjames

    hi plesase delete this account ..thanks

    hi plesase delete this account ..thanks
  6. jssyjames

    At my wits end with nutrient lockout!

    Just wanted to update y'all i decided to use ph7 water for couple rounds, to compensate for what i figured was low ph soil ....and twice as much water...more run off ...and it is working ..they are responding very well ,nice green growth coming in fast !!!!! the issue needed both at the...
  7. jssyjames

    At my wits end with nutrient lockout!

    well hydro comes with troubles to ... everything looks perfecto ..amazing looking product but always lacks quality with same genes compared to soil ..potency i mean ... i think its because my rez water was getting to warm ...keeping it 65 dr area this time with cannazym added ... plus i think i...
  8. jssyjames

    At my wits end with nutrient lockout!

    im starting to think im not wetting soil enough when they r young ..salt build up ... and i am accually using pro gro this time ...sunshine last time i guess ..i have 2 silver fields x boudica that are lush green ..must not be as picky .... my blue hammer and chucky's bride are very pale ..
  9. jssyjames

    At my wits end with nutrient lockout!

    maybe thats my trouble then because i used to use a different brand years ago ...i just dosed 1/3 of them with ph 6.8 water hoping to correct issues , maybe i went the wrong way with it ...i have a couple males showing under 24 hour cycle maybe i will dose them with 5.8 for a week see what...
  10. jssyjames

    At my wits end with nutrient lockout!

    Its the way i have always done it ...first watering is just ph balanced no nute's ..its a drilled well, 80 ft down , but like i said the same water works perfect in ebb n flo buckets ..i have prolly molled through 15 different strains over the past 2 years all with same results ..not good...
  11. jssyjames

    At my wits end with nutrient lockout!

    I have been using GH flora nova gro 7-4-10 ...sometimes cal mag and superthrive in very light amounts .... always used DNF formula years ago when i had no troubles ..have tried advanced nutrients also with same bad off just dissipates onto cement floor (drain) ...i always let soil...
  12. jssyjames

    At my wits end with nutrient lockout!

    grow bags with holes...220ppm time 340 ppm ...keeping in mind my water is @ 110 ppm without any additives .... i never had this problem for years though just appeared ..
  13. jssyjames

    At my wits end with nutrient lockout!

    For a few years now i have had trouble keeping plants alive much more than a month , they are getting nutrient lock out by the looks of it ... never had this trouble much until few years ago ... i have 3 different ph meters and calibrate them regularly ...i target 6.4ph in soil with either...
  14. jssyjames

    Fungus Knats ..not fun anymore , need advice

    Thanks for all the help you guys , i'm feeling hopeful .lol .... i ordered some gnatrol,and azamax and smart pots , i also have neem oil here , i realize i can't use all this stuff at once , prolly gnatrol combined with spraying neem at first ..with sand and sticky traps ... i'm down to a...
  15. jssyjames

    Fungus Knats ..not fun anymore , need advice

    I found info on smart pots and acually ordered 5 5 gal ones , i wonder if there is a material i could line some of my 5 gallon buckets with like cheese cloth or something to keep the adults from laying eggsin bottom drain holes , coupled up with sand and perlite on top surface ...
  16. jssyjames

    Fungus Knats ..not fun anymore , need advice

    Thanks guys , lots of good info here , guess i will try all of it !! ... sand , gnatrol, neem oil ...i don't know what smart pots are or where to get them in canada ??????
  17. jssyjames

    Fungus Knats ..not fun anymore , need advice

    So i am still having trouble keeping a plant alive for more than a month , i know i have fungus knats but can't get rid of them . Plants go from nice and green healthy to discolored and yellow and die eventually . Root zone is always brown dying off roots and new roots trying to grow around them...
  18. jssyjames

    need help identifying pests in room

    Here are a couple pics of my stick traps ..
  19. jssyjames

    need help identifying pests in room

    I have done some cleaning .... down to a few mothers ..i clipped a male out yesterday and started digging through top of soil and noticed a skinny maggot looking thing squirming around , i also noticed a greenish housefly , it was sluggish , i have noticed these around for awhile now and they...
  20. jssyjames

    need help identifying pests in room

    yeah something like that ..leaves don't fall that fast but they die off , yellow, spotty , dead , for the longest time i thought it was a ph thing but why when i never had ph trouble before water is good clean mountain water , i am careful with the nutes , used to grow beautiful plants...