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  1. SensimillaSamantha

    Deficiency?? Iron? Zinc? Sulfur? Nute lock?

    Thanks so much, Mellodrama :) Guess I was just in a panic when I saw them with HPS lights on and forgot to use another light source to double check. I didn't know HPS lights made them look yellow (my first indoor experiment) I was assuming going from the blue spectrum to the red spectrum...
  2. SensimillaSamantha

    Deficiency?? Iron? Zinc? Sulfur? Nute lock?

    My girls are two months old. I've had them growing under a blue spectrum 1000W bulb with great results. I'm indoors within a 4 x 8 tent; light warrior/ocean forest soil in 3-5 gallon pots, inline fan bringing fresh air in the bottom, hot air releasing out the top - temps ranging 60-75, humidity...
  3. SensimillaSamantha

    Indoor Clone Cultivation

    Thanks Steve!
  4. SensimillaSamantha

    Indoor Clone Cultivation

    So I'm currently caring for some plants that are mine and some that are just visiting. I'm caring for some Green Crack clones, I'm unsure of how old they are, I'm guessing maybe a month or less. I planted these in a temporary garden mix for now just because they were root bound. They are...
  5. SensimillaSamantha

    Durban Poison Clones ... NEED HELP! :)

    Thank you so much!! :) Will do!
  6. SensimillaSamantha

    Durban Poison Clones ... NEED HELP! :)

    Thanks dudes!! Dont worry I wont stick them in a freezer I've just considered it ;) Is there a certain miticide to get??
  7. SensimillaSamantha

    Durban Poison Clones ... NEED HELP! :)

    Some family of mine brought me some Durban Poison clones to take care of for them back in Mid April. They seemed pretty small (compared to other clone strains I've seen) but I'm guessing they were at least 3-4 weeks established prior to being in my possession. I had been informed of them being...