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  1. gonedowntodie

    Paintbrush Only

    :confused:panda attack!:confused: :?
  2. gonedowntodie

    Paintbrush Only

    heres mine
  3. gonedowntodie

    36 Watts Led Grow In Action Again!!!:)

    i went and bought some led lights cause of this.thanx
  4. gonedowntodie

    Favorite Music To Blaze Too?

    tool is the best chill music
  5. gonedowntodie

    I grow Shrooms :)

    thanks to this i got a new hobbie
  6. gonedowntodie

    naked chicks...good music

    nice,that pretty much made the day complete
  7. gonedowntodie

    help me plz

    i went to the local hydro store and grabed some indo bat guano and worm castings anyone know any good tea mixs for our lady
  8. gonedowntodie

    help me plz

    yeah we stop yesterday and put her under natural sunlight kinda perked it up i think it might of been nute burn. thanx though
  9. gonedowntodie

    help me plz

    pc planter set up, with regular dirt and spraying miracle grow all purpose plant food every once and a while.
  10. gonedowntodie

    help me plz

    me and my buddy are haveing some troubles with are plant. The bottem of are leaves are like dieing down and and turning yellow at the tip and curling upword and its starting at the upper leaves. We dont know what to do for it we think its lacking Magnesium. Thats what is saying in our Cannabis...