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  1. J

    Can i plant yet?

  2. J

    any way to slow vertical growth?

    no fan.. i can do that if itll help and it wont hurt the radishes.. lol i'll check the growFAQ for tieing tutorials.. that sounds promising.
  3. J

    any way to slow vertical growth?

    hmm alright, i guess i'll just keep them as close to the light as possible and then bury the stem when i transplant.. that really has no adverse effect? if not it's genius! let me know if it could harm them. otherwise, thanks a bunch! oh, and i'm sprouting like 6 under a 20watt florescent. i...
  4. J

    any way to slow vertical growth?

    my plants/sprouts are getting real tall/skinny and don't even have leaves yet... i know this is a lighting issue. they are reaching for light that isn't there, and that i can't acquire. so i either have to slow their vertical growth, allow them to just keep getting lanky and tall, or transplant...
  5. J

    Warm in ohio today :)

    gorgeous in MD yesterday.. 70some for a first.. still maybe a week early to plant though as it can drop pretty low..
  6. J

    probably a dumb question about adding lime to soil...

    alright thanks. and while that was obviously a silly question it wasn't answered in the FAQ and I'm sure if you put yourself in a noob mindset you guys can admit it even makes sense to ask... and Luke, the name of buffalo wings use to always confused me.
  7. J

    probably a dumb question about adding lime to soil...

    is the "lime" that's referred to here the same as the lime in lime juice? and can i just spray some of that into the soil? how much and how often, if yes?
  8. J

    help clear up plant sex issues for me

    thanks. i'll slaughter.
  9. J

    What would you do? **NEED ADVICE ASAP **

    either a) abort the grow. b) move all the plants into the wilderness.. I'm totally serious. transplant and go guerrilla. c) offer him an enticing share of the profit, and optionally, once your clean, don't pay him. I would personally choose b, then if that fails c, then a. edit: just say...
  10. J

    help clear up plant sex issues for me

    ok so, stupid question but i couldn't find it answered in the FAQ: what's the use of males? females make buds. males make... seeds, hemp? is it worth continuing to grow a male for seeds or will they just make males too? will there by any bud? should i just kill them? thanks
  11. J

    Do I need to get special soil?

    thanks a lot. I'll def use the lime stuff and I'm going to grow indoors for a bit until they sprout and i will dig a hole + add soil to the transplanting spot. this'll work... your help is much appreciated. the only thing I'm worrying about is that it would be a 1/1,000,000 chance for someone...
  12. J

    Do I need to get special soil?

    Hey, Do i need to get special soil...? I plan to just germinate and take the seeds into a forest area, and then toss around the soil a bit with a spade and plant them. I'll water every so often. is this enough? I know it's recommended, but let's assume that, for whatever reason, it's...