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  1. Q

    Whats your state

    The state of corruption: New Jersey. I'm about 10 minutes from Staten Island.
  2. Q

    33 degrees already down here

    We had our first snow in central Jersey yesterday not much around .25 inch. It then turned to rain but still October should not have the word snow in it. Oh and it hit 25 degrees here already. Hope its not an omen for things to come.
  3. Q

    Is this true?

    The first time i hit it i definitely was flyin. My cousin made this homemade bowl out of a glue stick container. After smoking about 2 g between the both of us we go to my car for some tunes. As we are in the car im thinking i'm fine and out of nowhere this intense warm feeling encompass the...
  4. Q

    woo hoo wake n bake!

    I'm so jealous I'm dry as a bone right now and to make matters worse I'm sitting in calc. waiting for the prof.
  5. Q

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    I'm glad I read this thread. I'm in NJ about 10-15 minutes from Staten Island and i've been paying 275 for BC and 450 for some kush. Looks like i need some new connects.
  6. Q

    help sexing pics included

    yeah def. a risky game. now that he found it no more coming home high(my life is gonna suck). I had it in my closet he never goes in there but my room has been smelling pretty badly; my grandma is visiting and brought the smell to the attention of my father which caused him to search my room for...
  7. Q

    help sexing pics included

    So my dad (hes an evangelical Christian)found my plant today and hes very against smoking. He winded up chopping it at the base and throwing it in the garbage. I was able to salvage some side shouts around 6 inches. Is it possible to regrow them considering it had preflowers. As of right now...
  8. Q

    help sexing pics included

    Thanks for the replies. I'm really hoping that its a female as this is my first grow and only plant. (kicking myself for not doing the research before starting, would have planted more). Ohh well guess ill have to wait a little longer for the preflowers to develop some more.
  9. Q

    help sexing pics included

    Im having a hard time sexing my plant. I planted it from a seed back in mid January; she (hopefully) is 26 inches tall and has been growing under 2 65 watt power compacts one 10,000k and the other actinic 03. Shes been on a 12/12 since sprouting and seems pretty happy to me. She developed...