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  1. W

    The UK Growers Thread!

    The problem I have is I work for a bank and walk around in a 3 piece suit. I look too professional and grown up to be offered. I don't wanna go down the medical use excuse but I do have need for it... I met my old dealer when I was at school a good 10 years ago and now it's only when I go back I...
  2. W

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I just know if someone bluntly asks they can't be police or anything because it'd be entrapment... There is a head shop near me but I think I'd get a bad reaction from him...
  3. W

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I've moved house about 200 miles from where I used to be and I'm completely cut off... :sad:
  4. W

    You still active?

    You still active?
  5. W

    Welcome New Members!

    Is there any easy way of growing cannabis without all the lamps and fans? or would that just be wishful thinking...
  6. W

    completely newbie

    I'm with you on being completely new!
  7. W

    The UK Growers Thread!

    anyone here from wiltshire and know where to get some ... banana... while I'm growing my own?
  8. W

    Check this website I found: find weed anywhere in the world!

    Anyone here from the uk and know where to buy... Bananas... in bath or around wiltshire?