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  1. H

    Newbie-What's wrong with my plant's? ..PIX..

    I heard its. Nothing too bad. Some here had the same problem, they told him it wasn't that bad. You also shouldn't grow two plants in one pot.
  2. H

    I Need Advice Plz!!!

    wat are hermies?
  3. H

    I Need Advice Plz!!!

    what about a basic grow room. I decided to sprout the seeds sometime this week. my friend decided to help me out but we both know alittle but hey, you gotta start some some how
  4. H

    I Need Advice Plz!!!

    Im new to this and i want to grow "tomatos" but i need help with Making a plan. i dont really know anything about it. I know some what and did research. I find seeds in my bud all the time. plz help :) advice or anything helps.
  5. H

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    I get mine for 230. Its pretty dank shit. ITs chronic....? I think ha!
  6. H

    Welcome New Members!

    If i shouldnt use a sponge then wat should i use to make them sprout fast?
  7. H

    Indoor Growing Systems

    i need a more simple plan. Plz help me. I only need it for like 5 plants. It needs to be really simple and easy :D
  8. H

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey Im "eddie" I buy slang bud and they dont pick out the seeds. I really want to grow but i dont know wat i need to do with the seeds How should i sprout them? I heard of using a sponge. Plz help me step by step Thanks :)