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  1. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    I had then in a chicken wire cage. The biggest looked like it was chewed but the other 3 just looked like they may have rotted. Maybe I watered them to much ?? Has anyone had that type of problem. The 3 plants I have in pots are growing slower then the ones I put i the ground but are much...
  2. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    Just checked my plants and found 4 cut off at ground leval. Looks like chewed off or something. Can someone tell me if this is from rodents or cut worms ?? Thanks.
  3. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    Sorry to hear about your lose. Your crop taken by some jerk, half of mine taken by animals. At least I still have 8 little ones. I just seem to keep loosing leaves off the plants. I hope your others are safe.
  4. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    Hi, by flowering, I guess you mean the plant starts to grow the bud part. Is that correct ?? I have a couple of plants that are now 3-4ft tall and have a couple that are only 1.5ft tall. They were all started and planted at the same time.It seems that plants grown inside do better and grow...
  5. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    Great looking garden. WISH MINE LOOKED THAT GOOD. none of mine are flowering yet. Could they be all male plants ?? Thanks.
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    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    Hi Mr MJ, my plants are growing now. They are getting tall and I'd like to stop the plants from growing any higher. Their about 3 ft tall. Do I pinch the ends of the plants like I have read ? Wouldn't pinching hurt the bud part of the plant ? Would like to get some ideas what I need to do...
  7. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    Your garden is lookig great. I have lost total plants to animals. Tops eaten off. I took a dead leaf today that was dry and lit it up in a pipe. I had not felt that feeling since I was 20YO. Thats 38 years ago. It this point, if the leaf are that great and I have no back or RA pain, I think I'm...
  8. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    Well, I sure hope the animal that ate one of my plants gets so spaced out if dies... Lost one the other day. Not I have painted chicken wire cages around them all. They are growing taller abd new growth but the stems are not getting as big and strong as I would hope. Not like my tomato plants...
  9. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    Haven't had that stuff in some 48 years. I use to get into it alot when I was a kid but I seem to have grown looking for that stuff. Wish you well, that stuff can really suck.... Hope you recover fast. They have medication to help today, not like when I was young. Good luck..
  10. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    I put then out about a week and a half ago. It has been warm. But, they seem to be better today when I looked at them. I found a few fell over so I had to use sticks. Due to the small stems. I hope I can post pic's if I can get someone to take them..
  11. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    I've been looking this site over and maybe the seeds I started were old or something. My plants are no way like these and others I have seen. Stems are maybe 3/16" dia and only 1ft tall and I started them about 1-1/2 month ago. Sorry my notes seem suspicious. I may be your fathers age, that...
  12. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    Sorry guys, but I'm not a cop or fed nothing. I'm just a 58 yo guy that's disabled, out of work due to my issues and tired of the oxy medication and what it does to me. I'm just looking for help and advise. I've worked hard all my life and my body is in pain with 3 bad disc's and RA. I don't and...
  13. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    Thanks for the advise. I do have a question that may be strange. I was out working on my veg garden today and this plane (Small single piper like) flew over and turned their engines down so I could hardly hear the plane, was like that for about 1.5 min, it seemed, then increased the rpms and...
  14. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    OK, but why do I have the long stem/trunk. They are tall and weak standing. The root system is poor. What is one to do.
  15. H

    Portland area greenhouse grow

    If you don't mind me asking, what type of plastic did you use ??? Reg 6 mil poly or the reg greenhouse plastic poly. I know the reg 6 mil will not last in the sun. Your grow looks great. I'm First time grower for self medical. Thanks.
  16. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    Started mine inside under lights. Maybe 12 lived. Bought 2ft grow lights from walmart. But, it may have been cold where I started. I seem to have long stems and small leaves. Outside now. Used combo horse shit and very old cow compost in ground holes. I noticed that the root grow was not that...
  17. H

    Chickenpoops Outdoor NE grow

    I'm a new NE... I'm lookig for all the help I can find. So much to learn.
  18. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    I'm looking for more seeds. My plants are small compared to yours. I think I may have did something wrong or maybe the seeds were old. I have been lookig on this site and found that they have seed companies overseas to by from. Have you any idea on where to get a supply of good starter stock ?
  19. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    Please remember I'm new at this. You kill your male plants ? Do you buy all your seeds then or do you clone sometimes ??
  20. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    I'm 58 YO and I have heard about how Pot helps with pain and I have to say when I was in my late teens and 20's, I dabbled in trying it but never got involved in growing for myself. Now that I'm older, I need another form of pain relief. I would be greatful to help me learn a new career. My...