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  1. I

    Desperately seeking Sydney Bud ;)

    I can spell however the FOOK i want man! I think you need to take an anxiety pill and stop being so paranoid. As i said its weed not heroin! Off to get sorted... Officer Kaner
  2. I

    Desperately seeking Sydney Bud ;)

    Man fookin hell thought this forum was for smokers? Its easy to find info about where to get green in Sydney just thought this forum could help out... All ive got is smart ass comments and 'uhh its a cop' bullshit remarks... fook this forget i asked.. will have to go get ripped of in well known...
  3. I

    Desperately seeking Sydney Bud ;)

    Fair enough.. maybe im asking a bit much.. just gummin for a J :cry: Can anyone suggest where to go in Sydney to pick up something without getting ripped off? Cheers. IrishKaner
  4. I

    Desperately seeking Sydney Bud ;)

    Cop? lol nah im just an irish stoner lookin for my holiday fix :twisted: U know how it is .. not knowing a city or anyone in it.. Sorry just joined forum after searching google for Sydney Smokers and found a post... connex shite here too so it double posts... Why would my PMs be off? I cant...
  5. I

    Desperately seeking Sydney Bud ;)

    Heyaz, Just landed in Sydney and staying on Liverpool Street in centre of city and looking for a contact to get sorted :joint: for my stay here until Thursday... Appreciate anyone in Sydney who can hook us up to contact me via email or PM me asap.. will make it worth ur while :mrgreen: Dont...