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  1. SuperBad

    Can somebody with knowledge about growing help me?

    Thanks i will follow by that rule. How much do you usualy yeild then vegging for 4 weeks?
  2. SuperBad

    Can somebody with knowledge about growing help me?

    Fuck off wordzy! No wonder you keep gettin banned!
  3. SuperBad

    Can somebody with knowledge about growing help me?

    Thank's for the quick reply! So do i leave the cubes in their tray with the humidity dome over them until the roots show through the bottom? How long do you keep them in the solo cups for?
  4. SuperBad

    the ''Im bored and have nothing to do thread'' write anything...,

    Dude when i seen the first word of your thread i thought different. Any of you guys get those chicks that you bump into and they say, ''I'm bored and have nothing to do'' Which translates to ''I WANT FUCKED!'' The start of your thread title brought back some memories........
  5. SuperBad

    Can somebody with knowledge about growing help me?

    I have just got my medical card and i am about to start of 6 female seeds which include 1 White Russian, 1 Afghaan x black domina, 1 Reserva Privada OG kush and 3 pure Ak) all in soil. I have my soil, vegative grow nutes (bio-bizz), perlite, Ph up and down, and also root riot cubes which i...
  6. SuperBad


    This is a recent picture of me............I can open tin's of peas with my teeth!
  7. SuperBad

    Using root!t sponges

    I am growing ten plants but i am keeping them all, they consist of different seeds, some medical, some personal. I though these cubes might give my plants a better chance at growing/survings as i haven't had much luck sprouting seeds after i have germinated them.
  8. SuperBad

    Dog in my neighbors yard crying/barking since last night...

    Dude either check that dogs health and what way they have it chained up! It sounds like you could call the local animal cruelty investigators in on this one.
  9. SuperBad

    lazy people

    i mainly smoke water fuckits or gravity bongs as some americans call them! I usually smoke 2 or 3 of them at a time depending on my mood, each one always has its gause packed out with high quality weed! I usualy turn down about 5 or 6 bags a week, if it doesn't stink nicely, and the buds are...
  10. SuperBad

    How Hot Is My Wife?

    I wanted to show you guys a pic from her hayday! She was a looker right up untill the accident happened.....:wall:
  11. SuperBad

    Is RIU a non-profit?

    From what i've heard through the grapevine, RIU makes there money by employing loads of tiny dwarf sized midgets to burrow underground outdoor harvests and steal the crops!
  12. SuperBad

    lazy people

    Man i would love to be able to say i smoke 3-4 bong hits a day, its more like 3-4 grams for me!! Haha that sounds funny bout the mom driving off on her daughter, you should try it too!
  13. SuperBad

    Using root!t sponges

    I also have to admit i am trying this thread here as i didn't get any information on the newbie thread!
  14. SuperBad

    How Hot Is My Wife?

    Man, i have to put my dick in a hotdog bun and cover it with sauce just to get her to nibble on it before she realises its my cock and not a sausage....she doesn't like head god damnit! Those few seconds of dick to mouth are worth it though......
  15. SuperBad

    How Hot Is My Wife?

    Woahhh my sweatheart would have an epileptic fit if she thought you guys were fapping over her!
  16. SuperBad

    Using root!t sponges

    This is the perfect cutting and germination product. 24 ROOT!T Natural Rooting Sponges supplied in a specially designed...
  17. SuperBad

    Using root!t sponges

    I might try this post elsewere hoping for some info!
  18. SuperBad

    How Hot Is My Wife?

    So would you guys smash my wifes back door in?
  19. SuperBad

    How Hot Is My Wife?

    Whoops, here the pic it didn't work the first time, must be cause shes so hot!
  20. SuperBad

    How Hot Is My Wife?

    Hey there fellow tokers!:joint: I just got married 3 months ago to a beautifull women named Sophie, I met her 2 years ago online, i was quite shocked by how good looking she is face to face when i met her! We hit it off right away, and fell in love within a few weeks! We have just began...