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  1. C

    Xanax bars

    lol maybe next time you should leave doing drugs for tha big boyz!
  2. C

    got some seeds

    You better move that male to another but seriously if you want to keep it put it in a seperate room and dont wear the same clothes that you have on when dealing with the male, when you enter your garden. pollen sticks to everything, which is why most peoplke trash the male unless...
  3. C

    ARE MY BUDS COMING ALONG OK? somewhat of a noob grower!

    Sorry for the shitty pics but web cam sucks hope to load better in the future!!!This is my second bag seed grow. Went really cheap with a bunch of cfls. 2 42watt 2700k/6 6500k 23 watts. Had some polypanda lined up around, but it has been awhile and i have yet to truly turn my closet into a...
  4. C

    Wait for Pre flower before awitching to 12/12?

    this is my second bag seed grow with 2 42 2700 cfls and 1 23 watt cfl and 6 6500k daylights first week into flower about 8 days in any advice would help
  5. C

    drying bud in a oven?????

    i am so tired of people and there bullshit about how you cant get high off off a 5- 6 week old plant,or how oven drying doesn't work.I cut immature buds all the time and oven dry always , and my bud is some of the stoniest weed you have ever had, and most of the time its bag seed! lol These...
  6. C

    Wait for Pre flower before awitching to 12/12?

    bro i am in the same boat i just started flowering on sunday the 3rd. do you see any signs of sex yet? i havent really waiting at least a full week this sunday keep me posted on your plant. our babies are almost the same age
  7. C

    help with topping

    hey guys this is my second grow and i was just have a question. i have a bag seed plant that i just topped like five days ago, but i also just started 12 /12 like 3 days ago . Do you think it will still branch off into two colas although its now in its flowring phase? please help . will post...
  8. C

    First Grow Ever with CFL's and T5's

    bro where did you order your seeds from i am in massachusetts and was wondering if you could lead me in the right direction of who to buy seeds from