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  1. ajgrowsalot

    Tye dye looking leaves from seed. Anybody know what this is?

    Forgot to add that it is in Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil.
  2. ajgrowsalot

    Tye dye looking leaves from seed. Anybody know what this is?

    A little background first: Strain: The Church Breeder: Greenhouse Seed Company Recieved as a freebie from Sea of Seeds I popped this seed and it has looked like this since the first leaves appeared. It is very strange and I dont know what it is, if it is negative, if it will affect growth or...
  3. ajgrowsalot

    My first T5 SCROG of Chemdog Here is a video update of my grow. Harvest time!
  4. ajgrowsalot

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    Is any of this even necessary? If you need so many plants you are worried about plant numbers you probably aren't growing "medically" anyway so why concern yourself with staying within medical numbers. I just seems so unnecessary to me to be growing plants in test tubes when they are so easy to...
  5. ajgrowsalot

    My first T5 SCROG of Chemdog

    The buds are very tight, so much so that even the most picky people couln't call them airy.
  6. ajgrowsalot

    My first T5 SCROG of Chemdog

    There are certainly many versions of Chemdog/Chemdawg running around. I have the apothecary genetics version and it shows all of the traits that are consistent with what is commonly accepted as chemdog. The pheno that I am growing is done between 9 and 10 weeks and, under my HPS, yields what I...
  7. ajgrowsalot

    My first T5 SCROG of Chemdog

    Here is an update video for your viewing pleasure. I flushed today and now the hard part... waiting until they are truly done! Enjoy and if you have any questions feel free to ask away.
  8. ajgrowsalot

    When to start flushing, harvest, first grow so looking for some help.

    I always flush in the first day of the "harvest window" per the breeder then finish with water until they are done, however long that will be (3 days, two Weeks, whatever).
  9. ajgrowsalot

    First Grow Setup - Do you think this will work? need advice

    Pretty much what slump said.
  10. ajgrowsalot

    Go Kings Go

    The refs were pretty bad but they were"equally" bad.
  11. ajgrowsalot

    First Grow Setup - Do you think this will work? need advice

    I'm handwatering my scrog right now. I have the plants in coco and have to water them every day. Some say it sounds like a chore but I like doing it. Kinda relaxing, for me at least.
  12. ajgrowsalot

    Why is greenhouse seeds so crap

    Guess who feels like an asshole after having just ordered seed from these guys? If you guessed me, you are right.
  13. ajgrowsalot

    Post up your seed wish list!

    I have everything I want except double purple doja.
  14. ajgrowsalot

    Go Kings Go

    Holy shit! Finals here we come!
  15. ajgrowsalot

    Spider Mites Again!!!WTF

    I know that I am "nobody" in the forums here, and that I've said it already but just get some Mighty Wash. I've tried everything under the sun to kill these little fuckers and the only thing that has hands down worked has been mighty wash, avid, and sns217. I wont get into why I hate avid as...
  16. ajgrowsalot

    Spider Mites Again!!!WTF

    I paid $18 for a quart at my local shop and used about half of it on 5x3 scrog canopy, walls, and pots. It can be had a little cheaper online I'm sure.
  17. ajgrowsalot

    Spider Mites Again!!!WTF

    Mighty Wash is the only thing that should be used for spider mites in my opinion. It is basically water, can be used day of harvest, works better than any nasty chemical I've ever used, and mites cannot become "immune" to it. I spotted a few mites on my scrog, soaked my plants with this stuff...
  18. ajgrowsalot

    My first T5 SCROG of Chemdog

    Here are some pictures I took today, which is day 46. They look better everyday, just swelling and swelling :) I have backed off of the nutes a little but have bumped up the sweetener for this week. All of the trichs are now cloudy and only a few are amber so I am hoping to flush these in a...
  19. ajgrowsalot

    Go Kings Go

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT! Just got tickets to the game tonight. GKG!
  20. ajgrowsalot

    the Junglist thread

    I went back and forth in my head on whether to put up the original Konflict version or this one. I started my sets with this track many times at lots of parties right when it came out as I had a white label of it before it was available stateside. I love ragga too, but techstep will always...