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  1. stork

    Reservoir temp?

    thanks for all the input. i put heaters in the reservoirs and the next round seems to be looking good. as for the strain - it is white russian and yes it is leafy a bit. but in another grow location where the temps are better i get very very very good results! this one grow area is in a...
  2. stork

    New to hydro...

    there are smaller tables than 3x3... a buddy has a 2x2 tray with a 20 gal res under a 400W HPS and puts in 4 plants at a time and gets 8 to 10 oz. also, for ease and efficiency, i use 4x4x3 rockwool cubes on top of a 1" thick coconut mat. i have reused the mat for 3 rounds so far and hope to...
  3. stork

    Reservoir temp?

    this set up is similar to my other setup as far as lights, nutes, etc. the only differences is the low yielding set up (room 1) had a low room temp range - low 40s to low 70s (yes, degrees F). room 2 has a room temp range from low 50s to upper 80s. water temps in room 1 were 53, water temps...
  4. stork

    Flora series nutes

    i use GH stuff too with some added things. i use the new expert feeding program. i have a recirculating system. for veg i use H2O2 first, then add GH micro, grow and bloom, then add Liquid Karma (but going to switch to Green Fuse Grow). i also put in Mycorrhizae the first week when i put...
  5. stork

    Reservoir temp?

    hey... i had a dissapointing harvest last time and have been trying to figure out what is up. basically the buds were all leaf with very little calyx formation in the middle. i am wondering if reservoir temp has anything to do with that. i just put heaters in my reservoirs so hopefully...
  6. stork

    Heavy Duty Fruity, Chronic, Chocoloupe, MK Ultra?

    we have a strain called heavy duty tutty fruity. takes 10 weeks and throws a TON of weight. big ole buds, easy to trim. you gotta prune heavily and raise your light high after 3 or 4 weeks or the center ones will stretch. good high, fairly average taste, good bag appeal.....a production...
  7. stork

    What Is the Average? (Grams Per Watt)

    depends on the strain - and yes i think the time should be considered. we all compare yields by lbs per 4x4 tray....hehehe... heavy duty fruity - 10 weeks, 1.3 g per watt - seriously! 3 lbs with a 1000W HPS white russian - 8 1/2 weeks, .8 g per watt other grow room white russian - 9 weeks...
  8. stork


    hmmm, i just pulled a round off a new grow room using the super blue. my buds were full of leaf and not much bud in there... but i think it may have to do with room and reservoir water temps... i hope!
  9. stork

    Loose leafy buds....

    hi, i just harvested some white russian in a new grow room and was dissapointed. in a different grow room under similar setup i pulled just shy of 2 lbs of cured bud. in this new grow room i pulled about 10 oz of cured bud from one 4x4 tray and 7 1/2 oz from another tray. the problem is the...