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  1. S

    plant magic

    cool man, about over fertalizing I thought you could get away with hevy ferting aslong as you flush well before harvesting? have given my plants quite a lot but they have no nute burn and seem to be loving life, was just planning on giving a mega flush 2-3 wee ks before harvest to stop nasty...
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    plant magic

    howdy....whos used this range? wat combination of products do you use? open to all ideas and ranges looking for grow and bloom neuts somthing for roots and a booster for both veg and bloom and maybe another product to.make buds bigger. I know theres also a lot of technique to growing but id...
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    Greenhouse Seeds - SUPER CRITICAL

    My mate gave me a streched seedling thought It wasa bit fucked. But put it under my 600w hps with some other plants in veg now its the tallest biggest and I expect best yeilder out of my crop 3 weeks into flower on my firdt grow will let you know how things go ;-)
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    rip off fox farm big bud

    thanks guys :-) how much do you guys use can it cause neut burn?
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    rip off fox farm big bud

    my mate just bought round some neuts for me to try its a fox farm big big bloom bottle I hate to be mistrusting but the liquid inside is creamy brown coloured and has virtually no smell. im only alarmed as bio bizz stuff stinks and is blackish so I though ff would be the same . im I being...
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    First time Growing...Any advice?

    also. glad its going long did you veg for n do you fancy wacking up a few pics of how the ladies look now? one of my clones keeps burning but the lights well far away. the second clones doing well and so are all the bubbas that came from seed, conditions must be a bit harsh for that...
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    First time Growing...Any advice?

    erectile disfunction.... poor wee buggers....I heard if you play them reggae they dont wilt.
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    So who's been ripped off for there marijuana plants???

    haif loaf ya fuckin we shite, the bens ent gota clue hows it round our end. nay bother give a we cunt a slap fer using grammer n fuck the slag who blaggs off at me or ma haifloaf we brother. uncle buck canny go fuck the we duck in his avatar, this situation ent nothin cant be solved wioot a...
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    stoners and growing just pot

    somone get this prick a make threads about things that should stay in you head mate like how you bum israels ass. people can grow what they want n beleive in what they want your self righteous and over opinionated. think what you want but shut the fuck up about it
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    First Grow 600w Bagseed

    hey biggie, hows the ladies looking ?stuffs exploding in my room been using MG biobizz and blackjac just small doses of each going to add mollasses when I can find some super cropped and lst-ing too! was getting abit worried for minute a couple of the kalashinikvas were looking like little...
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    First time Growing...Any advice?

    hows your grow going princess noob :-P
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    too F'ing hotttt!!!! I never ask questions......but

    the exhaust holes have drawstrings that open as wide as 8inch but can be closed too. my hoods not vented but could run ducting down to it. I like the idea of a second fan pushing cold air in so all thats set to decide is the size of exhaust fan if people think 8 is too big maybe 6inch? thanks...
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    too F'ing hotttt!!!! I never ask questions......but

    hey green troll ive got two fans in the tent to aid air circulation ones quite powerful and the other smaller one assists it. yeah I know about hot air rising ;-) lol. I just over compensated with the celotex to keep my mind at rest my setup looks pretty stealthy n cool noones gotta clue...
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    too F'ing hotttt!!!! I never ask questions......but

    i.should also mention that i.have a large attic space i.plan on venting heat to.
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    too F'ing hotttt!!!! I never ask questions......but

    thanks for your answers so far guys. I cant open any windows in the room ive sealed it exept for the door all the windows are hevily insulated by celotex to avoid detaction from copper choppers so the only fresh air comes through the door from the rest of the house . im from the uk wich means...
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    too F'ing hotttt!!!! I never ask questions......but

    now ive got you attention does anyone use these? are they any good looks a lil' too good to be true..... was going to use it to suck hot air out of my tent, got a 600w hps with a tall fan pointig in the door taking cooler air from the rest of...
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    what to do with compacted soil

    squeeze the plant pot back and forth between your fingers it will loosen soil especially around your roots
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    noob question "Lighting"

    Becasue your lazyness point when I have to say somthing I would if u in real life aswel and the fact that you have seen more stupid questions is irreliventl. Its not that stupid of. Questions its just been asked a.miplion times and if u werent SO.FUCKING LAZY youd know that
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    First Grow 600w Bagseed

    Hey man hows things going? Had. Real nightmare keeping temps down the last couple days coz of the hot weather. ment to be like this all week ive got 2 fans but its not enough if I wna grow through summer gna have to get a rvk150 and pipe hot air from tent into the attic, got a few ideas of how...