Yeah, every things to scale so your right i could probably just slam 8 plants in each room but being a noob i thought i would start with 2 plants just to get everything sorted learn a bit first and then try 4 - 6 - 8 as i get better ...
i'm working on the concept i would like each room to...
Appreciate the feedback mate, lol legal ! believe me a caravan in my backyard with my dogs good luck ! besides the caravan and the grow rooms are locked up tight !
The clones came from a friend of a friend and finding out exactly what they are is proving to be hard hopefully I'll get onto him...
I can totally appreciate your KISS theroy ~ Keep It Simple Stupid... but i'm doing this to fill in my spare time and give me somthing to think about, not to mention i have a bad habbit of overkilling everything !
more about the design fun then the crop, weed i can just afford to buy, but the...
Newbie here just thought I might share my room build, ask a few question post a few pics and get some feedback....
The story starts with I have a tropical fish & aquarium addiction and I was down at my favourite fish / hydroponics shop the other day and i couldn't find anything in the aquarium...