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  1. H

    Nice Cocaine pick up

    i was told its ktown
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    Powerful Pictures Thread

    found this to be pretty interesting
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    How to get super stoned. [GUIDE]

    Step 1. Melt some hash in a spoon with a lighter underneath to "cook" it. Make sure you don't burn it from under. Sorta like how a junkie cooks heroin. (Gross) Step 2. Have some weed grind up already, and mix the weed in the melted hash that's in your spoon. Try to get it all evenly covered...
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    Powerful Pictures Thread Comical, but true
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    Powerful Pictures Thread
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    Powerful Pictures Thread
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    Powerful Pictures Thread The beautiful face of courage: Lance Cpl. William Kyle Carpenter USMC Carpenter, 21, of Gilbert lost the eye, most of his teeth and use of his right arm from a grenade blast Nov. 21 near Marjah, Helmand Province...
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    Powerful Pictures Thread

    Not work safe :D examples like.. gore porn etc...
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    Powerful Pictures Thread Lost his arms from an accident at age 10, Liu Wei from Beijing never gives up living strong. He managed to do everything with his feet and started to learn to play piano at age 19. His dream is to become a musician. He is now...
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    Powerful Pictures Thread

    :leaf: There was a landslide in Columbia in 1985. The young girl named Omaira was trapped up to her neck in water, concrete, and other debris for three days before she succumbed to gangrene and hypothermia. During three nights of agony, Omaira seemed strong but was suffering. According to...
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    Colorado Massacre, Fishy business

    This Denver place is suspicious... r=1
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    Powerful Pictures Thread

    BOMBING POWER Nagasaki bombing Aftermath Tsar Bomb (Most powerful bomb ever tested) Comparison
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    Powerful Pictures Thread

    This video always gets me :')
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    Powerful Pictures Thread

    Im not sure if this is the right place... POTENTIALLY NWS Post any powerful images up...powerful good or powerful bad, up to you. But NOT powerful like a guy shoving a dildo up his ass. Stuff like this <--- fucking gangster. "I have a dream" "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask...
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    Can burning a plant reverse sex?

    You never know...
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    Best movies on shrooms?

    Im surprised no one said the movie "Shrooms" But then again, i wouldnt reccomend watching movies when shroomed :)
  17. H

    Good video to look at. VERY informative

    Very interesting!
  18. H

    Bag seed in the beautiful British Columbia

    Its been sometime since I updated this. Got lots of pictures! Started the first feed of molasses mixed 1tbsp of molasses with 2 1/2 Gallons of aquarium water on May 25 I have been watering with the aquarium water pretty much since day 1
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    Bag seed in the beautiful British Columbia

    I got this bag seed from a friend, originally it was two, but the other failed :cry: So this is the survivor! I germed both seeds on April the 13th This plant is kept outdoors all the time! It is about a Bic lighter height The white bits are eggshells! I will try to add to this a...