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  1. S

    !!!!!!need Help To Grow 1 Plant In A Closet Cheaply!!!!!!

    You said, "IF you get enough for when the plants are big" can you tell me approximately EVERYTHING (INCLUDING enough for the whole harvest and everything) everything I'd need to do all this. 1-2 plants. Absolutely no more than 3 plants. I'm focusing on growing ONE plant though.
  2. S

    my 1st set up - kind of ghetto but i'm proud of it

    CAN YOU TEACH ME, and how much will the MOST BASIC set up for ONE (TWO IS MAX) plant cost me? how do I do this. I really want to do it ASAP. can you grow indoors any month? or is there seasons for this too! Thanks. smoker not grower, but I'm really interested. THANK YOU (email me if you can...
  3. S

    WHITE WIDOW GROW JOURNAL 1st grow indoor

    @HelpMeHealTheWorld sorry for resurrecting this thread, but I'm just curious, how much did that all run you? (in cost) I'm in the US. I have never grown my own before, I have 5 seeds but I really only want 1 plant (2 is doing the most) .. what kind of set up and how would I go about starting up...