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  1. J – “Purps” - Review from sprout to smoke

    I have used bcseedking in the past. very reliable and very good place to order from. I always got extra seeds. in fact one time I ordering Texada Timewarp from them years ago, and half of them died once the first 2 leafs popped. I wrote them to tell them that I was not looking for a handout...
  2. J

    About to lose 16 purple widows. 8 feet tall to mold what can i do?

    The title pretty much summed it up...i have cut the branches that were affected by the mold off the plant but its comin back. Im a new grower so anything you can tell me about preventing mold would be helpful and i would be grateful. thanx for taking the time
  3. J

    Simple question

    Well actually they were germinating for less than 48 hrs and grew green leaves inside the papertowel...thats the Purps for ya...and i just jammed them into the rockwool cube the best i could n they are goind great with no problems
  4. J

    Simple question

    Hello this is my first time growing hydro. my germinated seeds have tails about 4 inches long my rock wool has been soaking. exactly HOW do i put the long ass root in the rock wool. ALSO i have a 400 w metal halide and 1000w HPS. Do i use the 400W MH for the veg or do i just run the HPS through...
  5. J

    First time cloning and first experience with rock wool. Help???

    Hello, i have two bushed out beautiful mother plants that i am going to attempt to clone. It is my first time cloning, and my first time using rockwool. I have a rectangle box with plastic lid and just enough rockwool to fit in the box. I have rooting powder as well and a razor blade. What...
  6. J

    How well does a 400W HPS perform?

    I have a 400 MH and thats bright.. a 400w HPS is REAL bright...but i dont reccomend droppin too much money into something that could be takin away as soon as your parents find it.
  7. J

    Putting seeds in freezer before germinating?

    i thought it was stupid too but i read it eithe in this website or another marijuana growing foum...i HAD to see if peope were buyin it or not
  8. J

    Putting seeds in freezer before germinating?

    Has anyone else ever herd that it is beneficial to put seeds in the freezer before germination?
  9. J

    Screwed up big time!

    will do, i just got some more of the same stain and im going to do just soil no peat cups or rockwool...question tho...i herd something about putting seeds in the freezer first? anything on that? lol and how long should i let the tapoot show befoe putting them in soil....I have grown...
  10. J

    Over Pruning???

    Hello i have 9 or 10 plants and some of them i puned 2 weeks ago and the bushed back out...i didnt take all the leaves of but i pruned it again and took quite a bit off the plant They still look healthy and still have leaves, but i guess my question is how long should i keep pruning...does it...
  11. J

    Screwed up big time!

    Right on brother thanx for the info. Im going to try again and this time ima use rockwool and not bury them too far and i will put them outside like you said...or beside my 400w metal halide
  12. J

    Has anyone ever herd of or grown the texadela timewarp strain!?

    Anything anyone can tell me about this strain will be helpful. i know this already; It grows best closer to the US/Canada border. and is said to yield 400g per plant...If anyone has grown this strain or can tell me anything about it it would be greatly appreciated
  13. J

    Screwed up big time!

    I know how to start seeds. I have 4 other strains growing right now, this texadela timewarp strain is the only one that has ever givin me problems.. Thanx for all the input, im gunna have to try again with this strain...but i will never use peat cups again...I think i may have put them a lil too...
  14. J

    Screwed up big time!

    I am growing Texadela Timewarp seedlings that i have just ordered off the internet. I had 20 of 22 germinated within 48 hours and proceeded to put them in peat cups. they have been in the peat cups for 5 days now and not one sprouter. so i cut open the peat cups to put the seeds in real...
  15. J

    Clonning help. Can you?

    what exactly is coco..and where do you get it
  16. J

    What else do i need

    I am purchasing an aeroponic cloner from ebay tomorrow for my cloning, but the majority of my plants are going to be going outside in a few weeks. I am only going to keep a few of each strain inside, and for that I have just purchased a 1000w HPS bulb ballast and shield. The bathroom fan i have...
  17. J

    Why does it not show the newest posts in the list of threads

    I am brand new to this site. I love it, it is very helpful to me. But for some reason when i go to view other peoples threads it does not show the newest ones..Im looking at posts from months..even years ago.. AND I cannot find 2 threads that I have posted today.
  18. J

    What else do i need

    Hello fellow growers. I have been trying to make the best grow room I can with what i have...What i have is a 400w MH light and about 8 florescent ballasts with 16 florescent bulbs an aquarium and many pots, 2 fans and a bathroom fan... I have been adding new things as i think of them. Heres how...
  19. J

    Worried about my seedlings

    I germinated 20 seeds and put them all in peat cups 3 or 4 days ago....Not one sprouter yet...all of my other seeds that i have germinated weeks before have all sprouted within 2 or 3 days...Is there anything I can do to speed up this process? the are in the peat cups in the peat tray about a...
  20. J

    Help save my clones!

    I had to take them oiut of the vermiculite because there is no nute in pretty sure thats why they turned yellow in the first place...Thank you so much for the replies i think is actually working because i can see a difference in a few of them...leaves standing up again...i may...