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  1. Whakd

    My envirolite grow 250w red + 250w blue

    sorry if you have already posted this but my views on this post have been few & far between. Is that the NL or WR that you just plucked?? I'll be interested to here what the taste test is like when you puff that shizzle down
  2. Whakd

    My envirolite grow 250w red + 250w blue

    kidda prajee. you're a pudu ;)
  3. Whakd

    My envirolite grow 250w red + 250w blue

    One word. Dense.
  4. Whakd

    My envirolite grow 250w red + 250w blue

    not going to spraf here, just keep this one short. Its amazing to see how much they've produced since the last update I saw of them sometime last week/early this week. They are looking lush. Have you decided how much longer in flowering you're going to keep them?? Any ideas what time scope...
  5. Whakd

    My envirolite grow 250w red + 250w blue

    Alrite dude. Nice to see some updates finally. Seems like ive been waiting too long to see these ;). In respect to the drooping leaves, I thought this would have been more prominent on taller plants. With yours, my most logical explanation is that the plant has hit overdrive/full boost on bud...
  6. Whakd

    My first grow.

    Bruno, i will fully admit, when i first read your diary I was a bit sceptical, but with every update, its looking nicer & nicer. Will definately be keeping track on this. Nice to see you're going for a good lighting option. 400w HPS is a good choice. In respect to gaining a nice yield, there's...
  7. Whakd

    My envirolite grow 250w red + 250w blue

    Brrr rap rap. Loving the new pics my friend. That forest pic at the bottom looks bee-yoo-tay-fool. Very nice to see you have 3 confirmed females. Ill be wishing that the other 2 come out with the same result. I like your use of the word "culled." It reminds me of this guy I know called james ;)
  8. Whakd

    My envirolite grow 250w red + 250w blue

    nice pictures mate. First 3 photos of the first batch, you can clearly see pistils formed. 3rd photo of the 2nd batch I think is the same. Other than that, its still too hard to see. Must say im very happy for yourself being a first grow n all. Im LITERALLY now looking forward to seeing what the...
  9. Whakd

    My Plant Is WAY Too Big! HELP

    very nice looking plant you got there papa. In regards to it keeping on growing, what is the strain's flowering period?? Rough estimations here but id say you got maybe another week or two before it completely slows. Will echoe highlanderz point, from the size of it atm, will be lookin at 1-2...
  10. Whakd

    My envirolite grow 250w red + 250w blue

    Hi there mate. I have been keeping a very close eye on your grow diary. Them plants looking pretty damn heavy. I think ill be asking you for tips when my time comes to grow. Hope the mrs doesn't mess it up but im sure she's a clever girl. Those leaves have an almost "kandy" green colour to them...