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  1. I

    How long does it take for seeds to sprout?

    I did the same thing. Those peat pucks will be your downfall if your not careful. After soaking the peat puck to planting size, DO NOT water it again for at least a week. Those pucks hold A LOT of water and you will drown your seedlings if your not careful. What I did was, expanded the puck in...
  2. I

    Please help it's getting worse

    Are you using nutes? How long since your last flush? How far along is it? If I had to guess, I'd say over fertilization. Give it a good flush to leach all that crap out of the soil. Any one else have any ideas?
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    @BA142 Hahahahaha! I want that gif!!
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    @sunni Holy shit! You look like my chick's friend. Stop that
  5. I

    Best movies on shrooms?

    A friend off mine always said "Bed knobs and Broomsticks"
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    First Hydro grow already hate PH!!!!

    Wow, I see you're having a bit of a time with this. I know its good practice to maintain pH but just the same you should also use distilled over tap. The chlorine added to tap water could also mess up your crop just the same. I do want to see if I get a difference out of filtering city water but...
  7. I

    Day 11 and still no roots?!?!?!?!?!

    Keep us posted! If things look wilted or there is no progress by day 21, they probably wont take root and it'll be time to let em go. Fingers crossed tho! Good luck
  8. I

    Day 11 and still no roots?!?!?!?!?!

    I'm not an expert nor will I claim to be. But I'd like to help. Ive been doing a lot of reading into Jorge's new book. So, I guess I have a few questions. 1. What are some of the characteristics of your clones? Are the leaf tips starting to yellow? Are the clones still rigid? Can you throw up...
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    Hey, newb here. I'm new to hydroponics so try not to be too critical of me :D Long story short, I'm just curious about when to transplant my girl into the hydro system. Right now she's just sprouted through a peat puck. My hydro set up is a 5 gallon bucket with a feed pump and air stone. The...
  10. I

    My seeds wont sprout :/

    Thanks! I'll check these out. I definately don't want to spend that kind of money, and that's why I went with herbies - they have supposed dutch passion white widow for about $6 I think.
  11. I

    When I GROW up...

    Rep'd and sub'b btw
  12. I

    When I GROW up...

    Wow, crazy light set up, I love it! Shes looking real nice.
  13. I

    I'm having trouble finding it. You have a link you could throw my way?

    I'm having trouble finding it. You have a link you could throw my way?
  14. I

    Ok, I misread your name but its all good. I'm headed to this thread as we speak!!

    Ok, I misread your name but its all good. I'm headed to this thread as we speak!!
  15. I

    My seeds wont sprout :/

    Bad news guys, it turns out my white widow has decided it wanted to kick the bucket :( I have a lesser strain (I assume so anyway since it was a freebie) that I'm starting back up. I found a place to get some cheaper white widow and I think I'll try again at some point. But for now I guess it...
  16. I

    Holy shit! I thought I was the only one that called it Sopo! Whats up?

    Holy shit! I thought I was the only one that called it Sopo! Whats up?
  17. I

    My seeds wont sprout :/

    Noted. The watering has been halted. I'm not sure why I did not think of these things sooner but it all makes plenty of sense. I guess that's what happens when you go all gung-ho.
  18. I

    My seeds wont sprout :/

    I know I should germinate more than one but, I am trying to just have one plant without wasting too many seeds on my screw ups. Its ignorant, I know... What I did was I tossed the seed in a shot glass with water and waited for her to sink (approx. 8 hours). After it popped I tossed it in a...
  19. I

    My seeds wont sprout :/

    So our story starts out like any other. A head strong little newb grower wants to grow. He does a bunch of research and decides to grow a single plant. One white widow seed is germinated and planted in a jiffy puck (peat pellet). It's thrown into a home made hydroponic/aeroponic/bubbleponic...