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  1. Plant.Wise.

    New guy!

    Herro! The picture thing is a pain but easy to use once you figure it out :P
  2. Plant.Wise.

    Advice needed

    My buddy had some of the same troubles burning auto's in hydro with mild nutes. Just lighten up on the dosage.
  3. Plant.Wise.

    Advice needed

    I agree it could have been the added soil but usually a 4 week old flower would be able to handle a few inches of fresh soil. You flushed already so I'd suggest starting with a much lighter dose of both nutes than normal and work up if you're worried about frying them again.
  4. Plant.Wise.

    why stop growing

    Root aphids that re-infest repeatedly, no mater what's done to the house.. Heard that one : /
  5. Plant.Wise.

    Advice needed

    4 Weeks in the same soil? Should be little to no nutes left if you watered the plants till 20% runoff every watering.
  6. Plant.Wise.

    How long do you hold it for???

    This from a bigbugsmag article posted June 11 2012. Marijuana Inhalation Nation: How Long Should You Hold that Hit? "The latest research on THC absorption indicates that holding in your marijuana hit from seven to eleven seconds gives your lungs the optimal amount of time to absorb as much THC...
  7. Plant.Wise.

    Under Current 16 plant 2400w Canadian medical grow Journal

    Nice setup! Which brand of plumbers glue worked for ya?
  8. Plant.Wise.

    Anal vicodin?

    Used to do this with rolls. Floored in 10 minutes flat, couldnt even walk.. Go to a pharmacy, ask for a syringe to help feed your baby cough syrup. Mash that vic in a dish with water and have at it. Use cold water extraction if you find you like it and wish to re-dose on a regular basis. :P