Search results

  1. Fergman

    Seedman's Mama Mia

    Being that I was .3 cents away from the next freebie (Damn you freebies!), I decided to pick out a cheap seed just to get me over the bar. I went with the mama mia since it was like 7 bucks. Problem is that I found very little on here about it. Any comments, advice, expectations on this strain...
  2. Fergman

    12-1 light cycle, anyone tried it???

    I read in a magazine about using a 12-1 light cycle. Anyone else tried it? If you haven't heard about it, it is a veg. cycle that uses 12 hours of light, 5.5 hours dark, 1 hour light, 5.5 dark. I tried it when my chiesel to see if it would stay in veg. and it does work. It was the first time...
  3. Fergman

    Any pothead paintballers out there???

    Post up type of play ( rec, scenario, tourney), type of equipment, years of experience, ect. I play whatever I can less on tourney nowadays. Currently no marker however been thinking of picking up an old dm6 or something like that.
  4. Fergman

    Trying to find 2 strains from California

    Was over in California a few months ago and bought some Snoop's Og kush and Bubba Frost kush that was heavenly. Problem is I have no clue who caries these strains. Searched the smoke reports and seed banks to no luck. Was hoping the guys on the west coast could help me out.
  5. Fergman

    Looking for a ma and pa bean store

    I'm tired of the big names of beans and was looking for a small bean company to try out. Was wondering what you guys have tried that was under the radar. If possible, gimme strain name and company name. Thanks a bunch!!!