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  1. Z

    My plants leaves... pointing up...

    mg deficiency can be fixed how?
  2. Z

    PPP=... Grand Daddy Purp?

    ok.... what does that mean?
  3. Z

    PPP=... Grand Daddy Purp?

    is ppp grand daddy purp.? if not what is grand daddy purp?
  4. Z

    yellow tips...?

    my 8 babies are a week old and i have 8 cfls 1-2 inches away from all of them. i have a second pair of leaves coming in now and the first leaves are beginning to turn yellow on the tips... i heard this was normal but i just need clarification. and i was curious to know why this happens?
  5. Z

    noob question

    what do you mean when you say "res" or "rez" temps.?
  6. Z

    cfl touchn' eachother... worried.

    ya i stapled the cords to the walls now i got light all over my babies.
  7. Z

    cfl touchn' eachother... worried.

    my cfls hang and rotate and sometimes they hit eachother with gusts of wind blown with the fan... they barely bump and im trying to keep them extremely tight packed. my lights are in a y splitter two to a reflector can. the bumping occurs were the lights stick out. what would you recomend?
  8. Z

    Is it a boy or girl?? Male or Female? PICTURES!@!

    the females i have seen from pics were in a few weeks of flowering so i guess you have to wait till your plants have almost fully matured. the sex will be obvious once it appears.
  9. Z

    To top Or not to top (Pics)

    nevermind i read the slang. lol
  10. Z

    To top Or not to top (Pics)

    what is topped mean?
  11. Z

    1st time grow question about metal halide

    ok i been reading the growfaqs all night. do i have to use a ballast? is there a MH or a HPS that fits into a regular light socket?
  12. Z

    1st time grow question about metal halide

    what is a ballast and where do i get it. what is a mogul socket and where do i get it.
  13. Z

    1st time grow question about metal halide

    i just purchased a 250w metal halide clear bulb. i opened it up and that mfer is huge! i have no idea what im going to screw that big sucker in. it looks so big that i might have to get a street light to fit it in. what do i do? i hope this is no stupid question but im lost. - 1. what do i get...
  14. Z

    Welcome New Members!

    hello, just stopping by for my first of many posts. whats up errbody!