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  1. C

    Magnetized Water

    most of every thing i did read no one was trying to sell me any thing, and that my be true on a regular scale but this work's on a quantum level at least that's what im getting. and im pretty sure thy electrify the water before pushing it though the magnetic vortex, im mostly getting all of...
  2. C

    water the memory theory i need help with a fun easy experiment

    disgusting week 1 two SD/soil ph5.8 dutchgold. no change
  3. C

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    great thread man. iv been working on a 5 stage ro system and this help out, you ever hear of viktor schauberger or his work on the quantum energy effects of water. its pretty much the next step after ROing engineers have been use a couple of his design for treating crop water
  4. C

    changing your flowering time but keeping 12/12

    iv been doing this probable a little to much for my own good or at least thats what some people think last couple of crops iv had to do that to because it got to much staying up all night and sleep all day but i cant say it stunted the plants at all so whats the myth behind this
  5. C

    Magnetized Water

    this stuff looks like the real deal has any one used any of this. i found a couple videos on how to make a hydrimagnetodynamic most of them looked pretty cheap to make, except for one guys but he looked like he really did his homework.
  6. C

    water the memory theory i need help with a fun easy experiment

    i dont know how many of you know about the memory theory of water, it seems to be proven science. i have a short video a short video that will pretty much explain why and what i want every one to do, if you would be so kind (you can skip to 1:00) . The...