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  1. Hash Bandit

    Grow Room Floorplans. Here to help.

    Very true with the hydro store guys selling you anything, i've put way too much trust in them from day one, thats why im here. I wont have to worry about an AC for a few more months yet so i'll have lots of time to figure it out... Thanks for the help
  2. Hash Bandit

    Smell problem

    You could always try to run the fans pushing the air through the lights, its not as efficent but it still works, or run two fans one pushing air and one pulling air that way the pressure stays balanced and they wont suck any extra air in through the lights... Your best bet is to determin where...
  3. Hash Bandit

    Grow Room Floorplans. Here to help.

    Hey thanks fot the quick reply. I'm not running flip setup, it seemd almost as cheap to just buy the 4 extra ballasts, plus i can run them dimmed at different times... Ya i was thinking i might have to get two seprate ACs, we do have central air, but its a old unit and im not even sure if it...
  4. Hash Bandit

    Grow Room Floorplans. Here to help.

    Hey Phillip, just looking for some advise on my rooms. I have 2 main rooms with a smaller 5x5'x6'tall room for my mom/cuttings and earily veg plants. My 2 main rooms are 5x14'x6'tall each and each have 4 600watts aircooled lights with a 6" fan on them (run them dimmed for the first part)...