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  1. LeviM1988

    First grow can you take a look please

    Thank you for the advice Gore I will try to find some fertilizers for them. As far as the spot goes this is the best spot my woods have to offer for sunlight :( I will try to clear out what I can but its rather thick.
  2. LeviM1988

    First grow can you take a look please

    Hello this is my first grow and I don't really know what to look out for or if mine look healthy for their age. They are roughly a month old and about 9-10 cm tall. I used Miracle grow to sprout them which from what I've read wasn't a good idea but that was all I had. Four of these have been...
  3. LeviM1988

    r these plant ok

    First grow can someone tell me how they look? I am growing them outdoors and they are about a month old.