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  1. smokemonster

    CNS17 bloom and ripe

    Anyone use it for a soil grow? What'd you think?
  2. smokemonster

    1st Grow. 2 weeks into flower

    Makes for a nice clean smoke. Makes your eyes white too
  3. smokemonster

    CFL Closet Grow (to start) with Big Bud

    Looks nice. Were the buds slow to put on weight?
  4. smokemonster

    1st Grow. 2 weeks into flower

    LOL, it'll mota-vate you to clean the house.
  5. smokemonster

    1st Grow. 2 weeks into flower

    NYC Diesel, 600w hps. Looks like an ice cream cone. Hard to see but looks like it'll be a nice cola from bottom to top of cone. Has some sisters, but shes the nicest. Thoughts? Advice?
  6. smokemonster

    Pruning Questions

    thanx a lot.
  7. smokemonster

    Pruning Questions

    space is a bit limited
  8. smokemonster

    Pruning Questions

    Opinions? trying to decide if lollipop is good idea, I think it is but I'm hesistant to lose all that extra growth.
  9. smokemonster

    Pruning Questions

    I've read a lot about lollipopping on here, and how trimming all the lower growth will focus all the bud growth to the main cola. My question is: if 20 or so bud spots that may only produce a gram a piece are trimmed off, will the main cola produce 20 more grams?
  10. smokemonster

    cannabis make you smarter???

    Maybe not smarter, but perhaps more thoughtful. If you're an idiot though, you'll probably just have more idiotic thoughts.
  11. smokemonster

    Wait for Pre flower before awitching to 12/12?

    i just switched 2 different size plants 12/12 about 2 weeks ago. ones about your size and ones twice the size. the large ones showed preflowers in a matter of days, but the smaller ones took almost 2 weeks to show. be patient, they'll show.
  12. smokemonster

    Big Bud. Fact or Fiction?

    i'll let you know how it stacks up at harvest time
  13. smokemonster

    Big Bud. Fact or Fiction?

    the big bud strain, not the nute
  14. smokemonster

    Big Bud. Fact or Fiction?

    Anyone grow BB?big buds, the strain. Started Ny Diesel and BB flowering same time. Only a couple weeks so far, but NY is kicking BB's ass.
  15. smokemonster

    Starting Clones at 12/12

    good to know. thanx
  16. smokemonster

    Starting Clones at 12/12

    Anyone have experience with this? About how long from root formation to harvest? How much smaller? How much reduction in yeild? thanx
  17. smokemonster

    Sausage Party

    Bummed, only 3 out of 9 female.6 Big Bud, 1 female. 3 NY Diesel, 2 female.1st real grow. Made a bunch of rookie mistakes in the beginning, brought them all back real nice. Now I gotta kill 6. just wanted to vent :sad:
  18. smokemonster

    Fan on/off during dark of 12/12?

    i was talking about the oscilating fan.
  19. smokemonster

    Fan on/off during dark of 12/12?

    no one? what do you do?
  20. smokemonster

    Fan on/off during dark of 12/12?

    Keep fan on or off during dark period?