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  1. J

    Need seedling/rockwool help

    i donot know what im doin wrong, i have spent hours reading, plant 11 days old, leaf tips are brown and small root out bottom of cube now also has a brown patch. i germed 4 in rw, 2 never came out, they germinated but never surfaced, used distilled water and put them down a seeds depth, room is...
  2. J

    My Light Just Broke What Could It Be.

    If u have an electrical meter, chec voltage in socket, should be 300v i believe, carefully put one lead on bottom pin and other on the screw shell, if no volts, ballast issue, if volts then most likely lamp, i say most likely cause it still could be starter, u can also use a non-contact tester...
  3. J

    Drooping seedleaves on 3 day old

    northern lights, germed in rockwool took 10 days to sprout out, on day 2 removed dome and it fell over, put dome bac on and it stood back up but seed leaves just kinda hang, idk if i should flush the rw cause been wet to long, i have added very weak great white, voodoo juice and super thrive, i...