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  1. F

    Hello Everyone

    Thank you. I have been reading a lot and looking at peoples profiles and I have noticed quite a few people are from the Nor Cal "area". LOL. Some people don't realize there is more North of the Bay Area. Thanks for the welcome.
  2. F

    HAPPY ST Patrick's Day

    Thank you for that.... you r sweet.....=)
  3. F

    Hello Everyone

    Thanks.... I have been reading this forum for a couple of months, just to see what its all about. Now that I can I am ready to let the magic happen. LOL.
  4. F

    Nastiest Thing Ever Happened During Sex

    ok so here is a story.... didn't happen to me, but I heard it through the walls! LOL... SO my roommate and her man were in her room, (which shared a wall with mine) getting to it. the headboard was banging, she was very vocal during sex, so as I lay there with my iPod on attempting to go to...
  5. F

    HAPPY ST Patrick's Day

    I need a KISS ME I'M IRISH t-shirt......LOL....Happy St. Patricks Day everyone!
  6. F

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi. So I live in the real nor cal, and am completely new to growing. Smoking well been doing that over half my life.LOL. Anyways, I am excited to start on my new undertaking. I am going to go read many threads now, and figure out how to navigate through all of this.
  7. F

    Hello Everyone

    Hi. I am completely new to this growing idea. I just got my script and have no clue what to do now. I see that I have a lot of reading to do, and I hope you all dont mind lots of questions. I am looking to grow in soil first and see how that goes. There is a lot of stuff on this site...