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  1. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    Minimal yield loss due to mold. I have the trichogramma homies to thank for that. Only mold I did find was due to ripe seeds and the tule fog creeping’ in. Pulled ‘em just in the knick of time. First tote is filthy. Third tote:
  2. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    Thanks man. Integrated pest management and blessings from the Ganja Gods got me here haha. And yes I’ve noticed that too. Once the seed coverings brown the morning dew easily saturates them and if they’re in the innards they seem to never dry out. I was out there for a couple hours yesterday...
  3. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    Seeds are just about finished on many plants. No signs of worms or rot. Just gonna see how much they can swell. Mornings have been a getting more and more moist. Hopefully the tule fog can hold off until this unruly Bubba Kush is finished. Possible Jabbas Stash bagseed chillin in the cut. She’s...
  4. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    Been squabbling powdery mildew on my pumpkins surrounding my greenhouses. None to speak of on the space tomatoes yet(fingers crossed). We’re supposed to be getting some rain here soon. Hopefully I can keep pm out of the greenhouses. Also haven’t seen any budworms since hanging trichogramma egg...
  5. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    Try the next 25 years haha!
  6. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    I crossed everything with Gelato.
  7. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    Glad to see things are happening for y’all. Things are happening here too. Trim jail here we come! Hope y’all are getting your prerolleds in order haha.
  8. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    Nice 10 day forecast here. Seeing what some of y’all are going through is making me that much more grateful. Wish I could send you guys some good weather man haha.
  9. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    Random bagseed hit the ceiling today. I wouldn’t be surprised if this thing grows into late November or even early December. I’ve had a Bahia Black Head do it before. Would have been our Christmas tree too if a storm didn’t collapse the 10x10 greenhouse it had overgrown. I enjoy the lone...
  10. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    Having them real bad this year here as well. Even some hummingbird hawk-moth action. Got some trichogramma egg cards coming in to help alleviate the budworm problem. Other than that I’m just going to keep spraying spinosad in between trichogramma applications.
  11. FresnoFarmer

    How Does Your Garden Grow??????

    If they keep on like this they’re going to overtake my entire property. The neighbors are even going to get some apparently haha.
  12. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    Had a little reveg scare, but they’re all in full bloom now. Some are about to come down already. The ones that didn’t reveg. The false reveg was actually helpful. The ladies needed that extra veg. Every plant is getting pollinated with Gelato pollen. Starting to really reek at night.
  13. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    I need to clean these ladies up a bit, but they’re doing alright. Found a few budworms. Need to start spraying for ‘em.
  14. FresnoFarmer


    I hardly see any budworms when I apply them every 3 weeks. Combined with BT applications(in arid regions) they make the ultimate combo. Natures Good Guys - Trichogramma Eggs on Hanging Cards (30 Squares - 100,000 Eggs)
  15. FresnoFarmer


    Being that you’re in Maine I would go ahead and start hanging trichogramma egg cards. I would avoid spraying with such high rh. You can order trichogramma on Amazon .
  16. FresnoFarmer


    Holy shit. I would start spraying with BT or spinosad. Those look like moth eggs. If your plants are too large to get full coverage with a liquid solution or relative humidity is high in your region then maybe purchasing trichogramma eggs would be your best bet. What I personally like to do is...
  17. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    Yeah. Well aware.
  18. FresnoFarmer

    Open show an tell 2023

    My babies are finally digging their roots into the surrounding soil. Ditched one bagseed plant that turned out to be male and replaced it with basil. These damn plants gave me quite the scare after transplanting. A few got a bit fried tbh haha. Didn’t have any time to let the soil cook after...