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  1. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Honestly, if you don't have any other techs down, I wouldn't suggest trying to make budder as your first tech, 9/10 who don't know what they're doing fuck up so bad it's a tane soup and it's not pleasant, go for some nice shatter or amber sap, get those techs down, then move to budders/crumble...
  2. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Actually the point of isomerization is to change, or re-arrange, the structure of molecules in low grade material, with inactive forms of THC to the more active form of THC. It's a waste to do it with high quality material, but you can continuously isomerize into a more potent product. The US...
  3. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    I heard someone talking about releasing a new brand of butane with extractions in mind that's "better than power or vector" I can check to see if that's it and get back... Still it's from Korea and it states right in the bottom of the page "largest import company in the world" So I doubt...
  4. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    In both North and South Korea, butane is in the top 3 exports ;-) Honestly though we could argue and speculate till the cows come home about which is better, but until we actually get to see that Power5x/7x MSDS it's just that, speculation. I'm stickin with my theory though... Don't need a...
  5. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Superchill the solvent always; superchill plant material if doing an alcohol extraction, or if working with fresh, undried material. Cold solvents are more selective, freezing locks out a lot of water solubles, but not all. If working with fresh material it MUST be frozen, when working with...
  6. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    I do dislike repeating myself but I do it all the time anyways, I posted a few days ago that there is at least a 99% chance of vector and power coming from the SAME factory, power5x and power 7x are the SAME THING, and vector is simply a more expensive version, possibly with odorizers added...
  7. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Just wanted to comment about the Newport butane and the fact that it is $15 a can. The "near zero impurites" means simply it is under 50ppm contaminants, I believe the industry standard is around 15ppm anyways, so this really doesn't mean anything, it is simply a marketing tactic and when you...
  8. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    As far as I or anyone can tell Power7x = Power5x, except with the 7x you're paying for a "more refined" product (which is like "organic," a selling point), the factory that produces them only produces one grade of commercial butane... $82 shipped wouldn't be too bad, but what about hazmat fees...
  9. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Part of the reason I've been using the power5x is because it's cheaper and according to people who didn't know which was which, they all thought power7x and 5x were the same, and thought they were both cleaner than vector; folks claimed the vector actually seemed to have a different and odd...
  10. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Cases of Power5x for $40 at the shop I frequent, or the master cases for $240. Vector and Power7x are both around $350 or $400 though for the master cases... I know a website that has the Power5x and Mega5x for $22 and lucienne for $23; problem is after hazmat fees it's still about $40 a...
  11. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    I'll take orbit! Take a shuttle and a spacewalk to make budders lol, as to discourage it's use... :-p
  12. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    I'll try it sometime I need a quicker purge, I should be getting a bit of stuff to work with here today or tomorrow and I plan to do more experiments, always tryin somethin new, gettin better, or learner what not to do, I never mess anything up too bad though haha. Maybe he meant Mercury...
  13. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    haha, that's one thing I avoided mentioning, and has to do with the long purge time, if you aren't in a temp controlled environment, which ideally you should be in but most people aren't in, it practically stops the purge entirely until the the day warms it up a bit. When you say putting a bowl...
  14. WaxTaster

    Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

    Haha, I really don't think it's ugly man, in fact my friends who came over where like "woah dude, nice dabber" lol, I'm super stoked on it, I like the fact that I can dab with it, and potentially shatter someone's temple with the fat end :-D I love freebies!
  15. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    I have actually been using heat less and less, but of course the purge takes longer, but works out quite well in the hot NorCal sun... Some oils seem to take a month or more to purge this way so it's not for the impatient, but I love the results, usually very clean and flavorful. I believe at...
  16. WaxTaster

    Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

    Holy Millidish batman! That's was fuckin FAST Senior Kitty-san! Have a couple packages comin in and when I read "Millidish" on the front I was like "Holy shit that was fast!" And boy did you super package it, took me 5 minutes to get it open hahaha. I also love that you threw in a blunt...
  17. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    I think we talked about this a few pages back, but 2 stages pulls a deeper vacuum, more quickly, cfm don't mean much unless you have a bigger chamber...
  18. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    heh, I must be super OCD then cause even when using heat I tend to vac it 10-12 times at 10-15 minutes each haha, till it stops bubbling (just don't pull it out and whip air into it, it'll bubble forever if you keep doing it lol...
  19. WaxTaster

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    I can second this, I also use the same pump, works the charm and for the price it's unbeatable. Literally the same quality as a robinair you'll spend $250 or $300 on.
  20. WaxTaster

    Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

    Woot, will let ya know when it gets here! And I plan to blow glass someday, but at this point though I have other things I should worry about, like getting the income to GET all the lessons and equipment and stuff. Looks like you paid a pretty penny for your setup and only seems logical I...