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  1. N

    Large Garden, Big Problem. Please Help Diagnos

    Do you have a mother plant, or have you been cloning from those same genetics the whole time.. maybe the problem lies there. if not than perhaps try starting in larger pots or something, less transplant less stress. try to take away as many stress factors as you can for the next grow and see if...
  2. N

    power outage

    gogsyc has a point... the moon is pretty bright some nights
  3. N

    Signs of Fowering

    Hey everyone, i recently started flowering my first set of children and im very excited. i used lst and so far its coming along great my question is about how long will it be until signs of sex are showing, i have noticed a great difference in a matter of a couple days and im interested to know...
  4. N

    quick lst question here

    thanks for the reply man.. time to go give the babes a quick haircut:mrgreen:
  5. N

    quick lst question here

    hey all, I've been lst'ing my plants and its working well, i wish i had a camera haha my question is, and i believe the answer is yes but it would be nice to hear should i trim the growth that is on the underside of the plant that got pulled towards the pot. i dont think the growths on that...
  6. N

    I may be a noob, but i might be on to something here

    Hello everyone, im currently working on my first grow, coming along nicely might i add, and i discovered something because of a noob mistake that might be worth trying. When i began i planted seeds in little solo cups. When i got my first four sprouts i kept a close eye on them for signs of...
  7. N

    Quick Noob question

    thanks guys appreciate the response ill be sure to get a journal going pictures would help haha
  8. N

    Quick Noob question

    I have plants growing and in one of my little solo cups there are 3 plants growing in tandem, i dont know if dropped a few extra seeds in by accident or whats going on but i dont know what i should do should i take two of them out to let the biggest one go or should i let them all grow and...
  9. N

    1st grow. BUNCH of questions

    hey there its my first time growing too, and ive been doing a lot of research, ill try to help you with some of the info ive gathered 1. when the sprouts get around 3 or 4 inches tall their root structure should have a hold on the soil thats in the cup and you can pretty much hold your hand on...
  10. N

    First timer, growing with cfl's

    I would first like to thank everyone on these forums for all of the help they have been when i was lazy and diddnt want to sign up. I just began my first grow and i was initially going to go outside but a few things changed and i ended up with somewhere to do it inside. I'm on a really low...