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  1. B

    Outdoor flowering

    Sweet herbage sir. How many ounces would that yield? Im also working on a small operation and aiming for a decent amount of smoke to carry me till next grow.
  2. B

    Wanted to plant indoors but looks like i'll have to do outdoors....

    well they will be potted and not in the ground. So bringing them in or tarping is a great solution. I planned on setting up a ponics system in the house but im stupid and gave my dog pork chop bones the other day and hes been in and out of the vet and might need minor surgery so money isnt...
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    Wanted to plant indoors but looks like i'll have to do outdoors....

    my concern is pests and light. I have a huge backyard and sunny spots all day but what if theres like a week of rain or clouds?.....will it kill me?
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    Going back to the Basics.

    I hate to be a debbie downer here but.....If you think weed will be legal one day, you are wrong. The government has no way to tax you on it. Maybe if they did a Grower's License or something but otherwise, they lose money by legalizing. They aren't going to lose money so you can get high. I...
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    Don't legalize Weed!

    Truesay....However, weed will never be legalized because the U.S. government has no way to tax you if you grow your own. You cant grow your own cigarettes and you cant make your own beer....well I suppose you could but most wouldnt. Whats the incentive for them to legalize it? They would...
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    Will I really need a 1000w hps lamp?

    I will look into a 600w thanks.
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    TEBOW out MANNING in

    Denver made a mistake by getting rid of Tebow. He's not a superstar but he's new yet. Signing Grandpa Manning to an absurd amount of money was foolish. First, he doesn't have 5 years left in him....Peyton has like 18 years playing already. Second, he's coming off a major surgery that he had...
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    Will I really need a 1000w hps lamp?

    I would love to use the 1000k light but this is my first grow. Im not stupid or anything but I dont want to get in over my head. Would also love to crank out over a pound of bud but thats too much for me. I'd end up just giving it away to friends. This is only going to be for my head smoke...
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    Will I really need a 1000w hps lamp?

    Buddy of mine has his left over and said he would sell it to me but 1000w seems overkill for 4 plants at a time. If I used a 400w lamp, would it make that big of difference in my yield? My concern is burning the plants if im not around to watch them. Even with a fan blowing the heat out would...
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    Lighting confusion

    sounds like you guys are getting divorced....anywho, thanks for all the input. Maybe ill buy half new and half used to make you both happy.
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    Lighting confusion

    Thanks for the wishlist. Yes the wife isnt loving the idea but my only concern is keeping her away from the plants when 12/12 comes dark has to be dark.......not dark till she needs a new outfit on. $1200 is still alot more than I anticipated. Hell for that much, I could buy a quarter pound...
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    Lighting confusion

    I've seen so many different opinions on lighting is why I'm so confused. Some say LED blows, others say its way better than HPS. I want very dense buds with high thc. The Blue Cheese seeds look like they grow some yummy buddage but I dont want to gimp the plants with poor lighting or nutes...
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    Lighting confusion

    Well here's my thing...... Wife is ok with me doing all this. She doesnt smoke but when I have pot, she wants to smoke it so no problem there. I told her I'd keep it small and only a few plants. So Im trying to set this up where it wont take over my house but at the same time grow me some...
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    Lighting confusion

    well I figure, even if i only got an ounce per plant.....more than enough for just myself. I do however want the smoke to be potent. Should i pick up a hps light for flowering then? Or HID is better than HPS or LED?
  15. B

    Lighting confusion

    I am confused about the lighting i should use for my plants. I can hook up a t5 with 6500k's but come flower time, I was told I would need a 1000w hps light and cf fan to cool it...... Couldnt I just use a t5 with 2700k's for flower stage? In which case, heat wouldnt be as much a problem i...
  16. B

    Looking to start growing indoors...

    Been a pot smoker for over 15 years now and I've decided to try growing my own. Going to order some seeds online, making a home made deep water system, but I'm stuck on lighting. I was told LED lighting is great for cost but now I'm reading they arent as good as other lights. I want to grow some...