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    bcn diesel or raw diesel?

    has any one grown this strain .. if so what r the characteristics smell taste buzz any info is appreciated
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    im lost is the strain u were refering to bcn or raw diesel
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    has any one grown either of these strains and if so what r the characteristics smell taste and so on .. do they stink during veg... and expected yeild using soil and a 600w thanks any info is appreciated
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    buds smell like tea? ... any advise

    i dried my bud for two days untill crisp , then i jared for about a week.. when i open the jar to smoke it smells like tea... any advise this isnt cool... dont wanna smoke lipton any more... thats why i bought exotics .. i have aurora indica and super bud and they both smell the same help...
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    help to get sticky buds

    i have dried and am curing now, but when i take bud out of jar and let sit for a couple so i can smoke the bud crumbles instead of peeling or breaking down like traditional exotics.. whats the problem or what my i havedone wrong? why is this happening. at one point during curing it was very...
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    help with curing. .. ? please help.....

    once jared how often do i open the jar
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    air dry help

    so ill keep more of the smell in it if i dont use a fan?
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    help with curing

    can any one tell me from experience what is the shortest time u can cure for . and still have decent buds. and how often should i open the jar
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    air dry help

    imean with a fan
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    air dry help

    does air drying decrese potency
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    high potency strain?

    can anyone give me a highpotency strain that u have personaly grown or seen growing and then smoked your self. preferably something with a decent yeild
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    air dry..? help

    lair drying with a fan i should say
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    air dry..? help

    does air drying decrese potency?
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    is nirvana a good seed company ...? i was planing on getting some of there super skunk.. got some ar indica from them and it was pretty good. and also does bud get more potent the more it dries and does it get more potent after u cure it?? thanks
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    moister control soil?

    is moister control soil good for marijuana growing?
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    why not miracle grow soil?

    i would say mg organic is good because its low in fert .and very very fine so i would think would have great drainage because of it.. and vrry little debree, i used it on my latest crop and if it werent for my feeding i thinkk my girls would of been great.. bplants still look great but yeilded...
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    why not miracle grow soil?

    and also kinda off topic but are alot of leaves around the bud sites whill flowering a good thing or not? i would think not because of light block even though the plants gather energy with there leaves dontthe bud sites have to get light also
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    why not miracle grow soil?

    ok cool ,what was the yeild from that was is better . i have some about to finish now and im seeing about a ounce to a ounce and a half per with m grow soil .. so what did the happy frog look likewhen done
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    why not miracle grow soil?

    i understnd and have went through a few probs that u named already crazyhazy.. what soil do u recomend that i can purchase with out a computer
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    why not miracle grow soil?

    and also does this extended dark period before harvest really force extra resin prod