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  1. Monark88

    help me grow my first plant please!!!!!

    sounds like you're off to an ok start. Anybody can get this far, it's all about what you are willing to do to make your plant live. i know you just wish someone would turn the dial on time and you can fly to the end. You're antsy and wanna talk to someone about it. main thing is.. ..keep it...
  2. Monark88

    I need to find out where I can buy the LEDs for grow lights aim for chips rather than single leds... this is my opinion hope this helps if you live outside US this will find you a place in your country
  3. Monark88

    ...LED chip...hmm.. it's a 50 watt LED equivalent to a 600 MH ...they just say 600 MH, i want to use it for flowering(like HPS), it comes in 2700k as well...
  4. Monark88

    drooopy plant?

    this is from Trouble Shooting Marijuana Health Problems Health Use this chart to help you troubleshooting marijuana health problems and determine the possible causes for whatever strange problem you seem to be having. Don't forget that...
  5. Monark88

    Is Death the End?

    reality is a great place to start... fractals A fractal is a mathematical set that has a fractal dimension that usually exceeds its topological dimension[1] and may fall between the integers.[2] Fractals are typically self-similar patterns, where...
  6. Monark88

    cloning without misting,

    all my clones lived. they are in soil right now :lol: i have to say, green light rooting hormone works great for a first timer
  7. Monark88

    Is Death the End?

    i od'd on some shit one time. spent time dead. it's not over after that event.
  8. Monark88

    Using U.S 120v timer in European 240v Country

    should fry it... wouldn't want a house fire... what is it gonna be timing? it depends on that as well.
  9. Monark88

    making it taste good...

    really, thanks a lot everyone.... definitely gonna get some br'er rabbit molasses.. seems harmless enough even though its a ways away i'm gonna study the fuck out of curing, seems to be a pretty important part to me..
  10. Monark88

    making it taste good...

    sweet i've been using a wonderful idea given to me by my uncle... air-conditioner run-off in a 5 gallon bucket! it's moisture pulled from the humid air here. it's actually super clear and clean smelling water.. my plant likes it... i'll flush with that it stays ~6 PH naturally
  11. Monark88

    making it taste good...

    yah thanks dude. so it's not too late... very good.. so like... flushing is just dumping loads of water into her? i don't wanna drown her? i'm gonna use the search function on flushing! -after searching- alright 1 gal of water or until water runs out of my pot semi-rapidly, repeat when soil...
  12. Monark88

    making it taste good...

    alright... so this is my first grow, i have a lot of regrets, but i have also learned a lot. i know for a fact that my bud is probably gonna taste funny because i used miracle grow, which yielded great results as far as growth and health (used very moderately)... but these chems are gonna be in...
  13. Monark88

    A Very Important Fact About Lighting For Your Plants

    wow this foolish OP has gotten a lot of feedback... so what if it doesn't get any brighter, the area of brightness increases with more bulbs.. i can't believe this guy gets more attention than an honest first time grower needing help...
  14. Monark88

    cloning without misting,

    haha, i was eyeballing a windex bottle... but was afraid of leftover chemicals in it (ammonia).. thanks a lot dudes..
  15. Monark88

    cloning without misting,

    yeh... i am broke as a muffugga.... but i probably have shit around here to rig with and that's what i do..'s sad i know but it's fun to use ingenuity
  16. Monark88

    The Im so high thread

    duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude the what is your calling thing totally just struck me... ...what is my calling...? and what is it that's calling? so like... before phones did people call it "a calling"? ....i'm stoned on sum keif
  17. Monark88

    cloning without misting,

    heh, yeah... after i posted it i was like man i hope they don't take me serious about the whale... but it is good imagery... and i guess that if it came down to keeping them alive i would try... like CPR on a plant, instead of air blow water.. ha ...anyway.. :spew: they seem to be doing good...
  18. Monark88

    What Is The Weirdest Movie You've Watched High?

  19. Monark88

    cloning without misting,

    so i just cloned my bagseed grow, put cuttings into PC box i got... anyways, i don't have a way to mist... At first i thought maybe i could take a bunch of water in my mouth and go SPPPPPPPPPPPHHhH on the plants like a whale breaching.... ....not really... v_v ..anyways, i DO have a...