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  1. N

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Hello guys, The situation: Auto Ak47xLR2 fem, without grow box, 100W HPS + 60W CFL, cooler blows on top of the plant, soil 7.5L (30% vermiculite, pH is possibly low), 35 days from root, temperature is 80 - 93 degrees, humidity is low I think, watering - 900 ml once every 2 days, never added...
  2. N

    Using standard 2000k HPS lamps

    I'm also want to know if the temperature of 2000K is good for flowering or I should better find 2700K?
  3. N

    HPS vs CFL for SMALL boxes

    Maybe photons from different lamps begin to fight with each other for taking the space and die in the fight? :)
  4. N

    HPS vs CFL for SMALL boxes

    Ok, guys, I have a nice video for you, though maybe some of you have already seen it. It's in russian, but it's easy to understand what's going on and the results are shown. Here is the video: In this video they compare 2 lamps (CFL and HPS) with the...
  5. N

    HPS vs CFL for SMALL boxes

    Thank you for joining the discussion, guys. Dubdeuce, >100w of HPS says you'd have to be pretty out of it to get burned Sorry, with my far not perfect English I am not sure I understand what you mean. I've read that people got burned with 150W HPS. As for electricity - sometimes it doesn't...
  6. N

    HPS vs CFL for SMALL boxes

    Hello, guys. No, this is not quite the same topic about HPS vs CFL. Personally, I do think that HPS are better choice for big boxes, because you just need to install one or a couple (ok, or a few) of HPS lamps and that will be great, and you will not need to spend time installing tens of CFL...