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  1. A

    Going out to get some supplies. Im a newb... Is this all i need to start?

    Would tap water do that same, as nice purified water? I do live in BC and my father has told me that the tap water is " the best in town". I shall add these items to my list aswell! I do like your idea for a greenhouse, i love to recycle old stuff and have it not cost me $$$. Like most people i...
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    Going out to get some supplies. Im a newb... Is this all i need to start?

    I shall look into that book for sure. :) Thank the internet for amazon haha. Thank you very much for the advice. ^^
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    Going out to get some supplies. Im a newb... Is this all i need to start?

    Hello fellow reefers, A couple days ago i had a marvelous idea. I should grow my own weed. Money is tight these days, and i am quite bored with my life. So it's time for something new!! :D I researched "the internet" and found loads of information & constructed an shopping list. My goal would...