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  1. Q

    best cfl for clones

    wow all this bullshit ! just for a simpel question cum on guys have a :joint: and learn to love, thanks for the pepz that did give advice and shame on you haters peace !!
  2. Q

    best cfl for clones

    ok yeah i have heard alot of good thingsa about cfs, i have my clones under a 2400k with 700 lumuns 24/7 as of today is this sweet ? or should i go bigger ? also any one tryed to veg with cfls and flower with hps ?
  3. Q

    best cfl for clones

    hey guys this is only my 2nd grow, last time i used my 400w hps bulb all the way but this time im thinking of useing cfl's for veging and my hps for flowering, the question im asking is will my plant mind if i change the light and what spec cfl should i be useing ?
  4. Q

    Getting started in New Zealand

    Hey every one im kinda new to all this but just looking for a way to get started in New Zealand and i woould rather not like to speend lots of my hard earnd cash on a over seas seed bank, any help ?:?