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  1. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    There is nothing int he bible that goes against Cannabis The Catholic Catechism hold to abstain from drug use because they are harmful to your body, and God does not want us to destroy our bodies. Cannabis does not hurt your body, it has been shown to be of medication and if inhaled correctly...
  2. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    What is your point? what are you trying to make? that because someone assumes something, they are wrong? i had my faith because i assumed that my parents wouldn't lie to me, i assumed that because so many people in my community followed Christianity, that it must have had to be real. I did that...
  3. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    ppshht, your from canada?!?!? kidding... I'm glad you can be assured of God, i'm not against you man i'm proud you can see the light and hold your belief in God firmly.
  4. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Sorry my friend, but it is not an assumption that i made to follow and believe God, it is faith that i had to believe in God. From my parents teaching me, They taught me to have faith, and that is what i did, and they taught me to have faith that when i die my good actions will be counted and...
  5. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Uhh... open your brain main light yourself a spliff.. Sorry if i confused you, but Jesus and God are different. Jesus is God's human form, and different from God. Jesus died on the cross... he could have taken the easy route of Evil by denying he was the king of the Jews, but instead he held...
  6. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    I would love to see that too, but most importantly i would love to be able to go to heaven and meet God for 1 hour and have a chat. Unfortunately that is not the case. Still God prevails in some healing. Here is one significant one that has been attested to: Mrs. Diana Basile, born October 5...
  7. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Would love to, yes this is way off topic, but since only a few people actually posted their into Athiest conversion stories, i figured that it didn't matter much and the debate never seemed to bother to want to change.
  8. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    1. I never made up a God, i am just using what i have learned and seen. part of what occurred to me in Medjugorje, which is by all means fact, by the evidence i have presented and by any research you do. 2. Yes, blessing are much like rewards, but you can't count them, I have no idea yet, the...
  9. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Strict Catholic, follow Jesus teaching exactly and carry them out every day. I Follow the Old and New Testament with just as much faith. I believe in much of what is occurring in Medjugorje is the true face of Christianity.
  10. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    First of all i meant blessed*, not blesses, and "blessed are those who believe and don't see" means that God, in heaven will good greatly upon those who believe without seeing. This is nothing like candy, and it is not "made up" You go off and make things up like "its candy". please explain to...
  11. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    First of all, your not funny, i find it disgraceful that you posted that, but to answer your absurd questions.... God sent an Angel to ask Mary if she would bring God into this world through a human form, and his name be Jesus. God did not rape Mary, or have someone rape Mary, and you can...
  12. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    Blesses are those who believe and don't see. I am not making this up, just try researching it...
  13. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    That won't work because Some people's beliefs are to kill their enemies, while other's beliefs are to love their enemies, People cannot co-exist with these very differentiaating beliefs, whether it be the example above or of many others, it just can't be done.
  14. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    I am sure of this because this 'God's message is to return to the true face of Christianity, if i lived in Pakistan or in Vietnam it would not make a difference of the message, so what are you trying to prove? that just because there are people who are stuck on different beliefs, that all of the...
  15. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    So, basically, you are telling me that when a person visions the Blessed Virgin Mary, receives messages from Mary about what is occurring in the world, is given a tongue to fully understand another language(yes this occurred to one of the visionaries, she gained the knowledge to speak Italian...
  16. R

    girl stole all my ... she took it all.

    HAHAHA that fist just came out of nowhere!!
  17. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    And for those with no religion at all? who die for seconds, if not minutes, and then come alive and dedicate their entires lives to God? not knowing where their beliefs came from but only concluding that it was in fact God who shed light on their souls? this is what happened to the priest who...
  18. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    for 15 years they have conducted tests on all the visionaries (except maybe one denied having them) and they conducted over 120 tests one of the visionaries... the organizations who carried them out where sent by the Vatican and many Atheistic organizations. The Vatican has officially accepted...
  19. R

    Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

    You make no sense, people don't believe that God is an assumption, no idea where you got that... people believe God because of visions and true things that happen to them. it's not assuming something is true and that it is logical, it is knowing something is true based on fact. Some people do...
  20. R

    Ok, So I made Canna Butter for the first time...

    well, make sure you hydrate yourself before you eat them first off... that should help, you also need to know that if you haven't had a meal thus far that day, then the cookies might go right through you without you even noticing it, but should still give you some effects. if you eat a large...