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  1. T

    Browning, yellowing, bottom leaves, moving up *PICS*

    I think I have something similar going on I'm my compost plants.
  2. T

    Cheesequake Problems!!

    No filter just straight from the tap into a bucket that sits for 24 hours. None of my other girls get effected like this, so it can't be bugs... I will try and pick some cal/mag up soon.
  3. T

    Cheesequake Problems!!

    Thanks for the welcome! Im growing in compost so no need for me to check ph. The compost naturally buffers the ph to the plants needs. So a week ago the whole plants were a nice healthy green but I noticed the edges of the serations going a bit yellow/burnt, so I bbeen feeding them only water...
  4. T

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Anybody know what this could be?
  5. T

    Cheesequake Problems!!

    Hey people, hope you can all help. I have a two Cheesequakes 3 weeks into flower, in bio bizz light mix soil, 4.5ltr pot, being fed Plant Magic Oldtimer organic nutes. They were both fed Grow NPK 5:3:3 at 2ml/ltr week 1 Week 2 they were fed 2/3ml/ltr Bloom NPK 3:5:4 At least that's what I think...