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  1. farmersmurf2012

    I need advice--help!!!!

    are you saying that it is not worth drying out, not even the top will have any potency?
  2. farmersmurf2012

    I need advice--help!!!!

    So, are you saying that if I uproot now she wont have any potency? So not worth drying out and using? Have to go thru process of turning to oil? I would think that the top would be worth drying out? I am aware she is not gonna be the "killer" she could have been, but I dont get nothin for my...
  3. farmersmurf2012

    I need advice--help!!!!

    HELP-I unfortunatly, have a situation that may make me have to harvest plant now. I hear that you can second veg a plant? If I have to do this I would like to at least get what I have so far and be able to uproot fast. I can take a chance, but I dont want to lose what I have. This kills me cause...
  4. farmersmurf2012

    Some of my plants stems are leaning and very rubbery,

    how far from the plants do you have the lights? If to high it could cause them to stretch towrds light.
  5. farmersmurf2012

    Super Compost

    I have this compost my bro-in-law as been curing in composter for about 10 years maintained religously by him. This stuff has it all and worms galore(worm tea). What I want know, Can I introduce this into the soil of a flowering indo plant or maybe layer on top and water in. Any ideas...
  6. farmersmurf2012

    slowed upward growth?

    So you think she is ready to flower!! oh goody. Can I use my 6500k bulbs for flowering? or 2700k now, and would 2 200watters do?
  7. farmersmurf2012

    slowed upward growth?

    5 weeks into veggie she seems to have stopped upward growth but is getting really bushy. 2 100w daybrite cfls and 3 4; tubes. water every 3 days and feed 1x week. she was trans to 5 gal bucket 3 weeks ago. Is she rootbound again? maybe this is the strain? She is only 14 inches high but healthy...
  8. farmersmurf2012

    Runt Plant HELP ME PLEASE

    Hello from USA. First of all light should be on 24/7 speacialy with one cfl 100. You need at least 400w to sustain life and growth. Light shoulb about 2 inches above. I use reagular potting soil and miracle grow. Just a couple of suggestions. This is my Penny at 36 day into veggie. Check it out...
  9. farmersmurf2012

    Rootbound again?

    It does look rather wet, If out of her cave I probably just watered.
  10. farmersmurf2012

    Rootbound again?

    About 3 weeks ago I asked about slowed growth, and was told to transplant because she was rootbound. I did that and she started to grow again. She has now stopped again. She is in a 5 gallon bucket under 400 watts of cfl. I feed her once a week, and water every 2 days. Do you think she is...
  11. farmersmurf2012

    Hydro Set Up And Plants

    Looking very nice to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not sure about ph, have to get tester.
  12. farmersmurf2012

    Curling leaf tips

    My Penny is 28 days into veggie grow. She is very dark green and bushy. BUT, I noticed that some of the leaf tips are curling on the very tip. Plant is watered every 3 days and under 2 100w cfl and 4 tubes. Feed her once a week. Any ideas, I have seen curling but not just the tips like that.
  13. farmersmurf2012

    -my cfl grow-

    I use old computer fans, they seem to work well.
  14. farmersmurf2012

    Good Growth?

    Thanks. It wont hurt it to transplant now? How do I get it out of old pot without damageing plant?
  15. farmersmurf2012

    Good Growth?

    I am in day 46 from seed. She is 8" tall and very dark green and bushy. The reason I ask is she seems to have stopped upward growth and just getting bushier and bushier. Is this ok or not enough light or water or fert? She looks happy to me.